5 разных страниц

Wr i t t en by J eevan S i ngh I l l us t r a t i ons by Chami s a Ke l l ogg Bot an i ca l pa i n t i ng s by Saman t ha Lamon t

The information in this publication is not intended or im plied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diag nosis or treatment. All information in this book is for general information purposes only. The author makes no repre sentation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained in this book, and such information is subject to change without notice.You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained in this book with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Please do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this publication. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor immediately.

Herbal Pelvic Steams A Do-It Yourself Guide

Copyright © 2017 by Jeevan Singh

Wr i t t en by J eevan S i ngh I l l us t r a t i ons by Chami s a Ke l l ogg Bot an i ca l pa i n t i ng s by Saman t ha Lamon t

GRATITUDE Gratitude to the incredible teacher s, mentor s and guides who I have had the honor of learning from: Dr. Rosita Ar vigo, Shayne Case, Trudy Zimmer ly, Katie Si lva and Missy Rohs, to name a few. Gratitude to the plants and their medicine, whose rela tionship star ted in my l ineage long before I was born and continue through me. Gratitude to ar tist and designer Chamisa Kel logg for pro ducing the r ich, vibrant cover ar t and how-to-steam i l lus trations, both pieces as the hear t of this booklet. Gratitude to weaver, ar tist and flower medicine sister Sa mantha Lamont for br inging the plants to l ife through gor geous botanical watercolor s. Gratitude to my community and cl ients, who ever-moti vate me to do this work, to brown women healer s past, present and future, to fr iends old and new, near and far, and to my love for her constant suppor t and patience, our tiny dog with the overbite and our soft cat who depar ted not too long ago into the Great Myster y. Utmost gratitude to my parents, grandparents and ances tor s, the lands they come from, this land, the elements, the Muse and the Divine. . . and many, many other s.


A Process of Reclaiming


PART I: All About Steams

Honor ing Lineage | Honor ing Plants The Benefits of Herbal Steams Herbs for Specific Conditions Precautions and Contraindications


10 12 14

PART II: Learning to Steam

I l lustrated Steps on Steaming Elaborated Instructions on Steaming Flower Steam Bath Meditation

16 18 20 22 24 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Steam Stools

Herbs, Pots & Socks

PART III: Hello, Plant Friends! Basi l

Calendula Chamomi le Damiana Dongquai Lavender Lemonbalm

Mar shmal low Root

Motherwor t


Red Raspberr y Leaf


Rosemar y



References and Fur ther Reading


About Jeevan


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