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Do you have a problem wound
Board of Trustees Mariann MacDonald, Chair Pamela Alexander, R.N.
William F. Allyn Michelle Barrett George Ferguson, M.D. Terrance Flynn Thomas J. Gazdic, First Vice Chair / Treasurer Kay F. Gow, Ed.D., Second Vice Chair Stephen Lange, M.D. John Lewis, M.D., Secretary Vincent “Cap” Mona Gregory Russo Allen S. Weiss, M.D. Michael A. Wynn
that just won’t heal?
7KH 1&+ :RXQG +HDOLQJ +\SHUEDULF &HQWHUV DUH KHUH WR KHOS Our specialty trained Board Certified Physicians and Certified Wound Care Nurses at the NCH Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Centers provide compassionate care and the most advanced therapies. From simple to complex wounds, our multi-disciplinary team creates an individualized treatment plan to safely return you to everyday activities and optimal health. We have four centers conveniently located throughout Collier and South Lee counties. Start your healing today!
NCH Corporate Of f icers President and CEO Allen S. Weiss, M.D. Chief Medical Officer Frank Astor, M.D. Chief Administrative Officer— NCH Physician Group Zach Bostock Chief of Staff/General Counsel Kevin D. Cooper Chief Operations Officer Phillip C. Dutcher Assistant Secretary Beth Martin Chief Development Officer Jim Martin Chief Strategy Officer Michael Riley Chief Human Resources Officer Renee Thigpen 1DSOHV f 1RUWK 1DSOHV %RQLWD f 'RZQWRZQ &RPPRQV
Chief Nursing Officer Michele Thoman, R.N. Chief Experience Officer Gary Tomcik Chief Financial Officer Rick Wyles
Alejandro Blanco, M.D. Ralph Rodriguez, M.D.
Magazine Coordinator Mary Trupiano
Accepting New Patients Internal Medicine for Adults • Immediate Attention for Urgencies
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