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FY18 Sustainability Report Transurban 17

Safer roads

Road safety performance

In FY18, the Road Injury Crash Index (RICI) across all Transurban assets was 4.82 injury crashes per 100 million vehicle kilometres travelled, or 312 injury crashes in more than 6.4 billion vehicle kilometres travelled. Injury crashes were slightly lower in FY18 than FY17 (see table below), but were higher than our FY18 RICI target of 4.04. This result is lower than the peak in 2015, indicating the effectiveness of our continued road safety efforts despite increased travel by our customers. Three fatal road accidents occurred on our roads in FY18; two accidents involving passenger vehicles and one involving a motorcycle. outcomes with other similar roads, we engaged the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC). The project found that Transurban’s roads have significantly fewer crashes than similar roads with New South Wales being 80 percent lower, Victoria 81 per cent lower and Queensland 53 per cent lower. To analyse injury crashes on our Australian network and compare

In line with the safe system- based strategies across Australia and around the world, we recognise that road safety is a shared responsibility and we proactively engage with our customers, partners and the community to make every journey a safe one. We continue to strive for fatality and injury free roads, using data and research to inform our road safety activities and action plans, and to improve the safety and performance of our networks.

Historical and current road safety performance on Transurban assets is shown below.







Material and other relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals for this chapter









A serious road injury crash is where any number of persons need treatment for a serious injury following a crash on our roads. This entails any person taken to hospital in an ambulance following a crash. Incidents where individuals are assessed and released from medical care at the crash scene are not classified as serious injury crashes. Crashes are counted as single incidents even when involving multiple people. The Road Injury Crash Index (RICI) measures how many serious road injury crashes occur per 100 million vehicle kilometres travelled.

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