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FY18 Sustainability Report Transurban 20
Safer roads
Case study Orange Cones. No Phones
Transurban, the Virginia Department of Transportation, Virginia State Police and AAA Mid-Atlantic, launched the “Orange Cones. No Phones.” campaign to reduce distracted driving within the 395 Express Lanes work zone. A Transurban-led survey of more than 1,000 Washington D.C. area drivers who travel the I-395 corridor shows they self-report engaging in a number of distractions while behind the wheel. The top three mobile phone distractions reported among D.C. area drivers were using a phone to talk, checking GPS or travel planning, and reading a text message. More than half of the area's drivers report feeling unconcerned about using their phones to talk while behind the wheel, despite growing research that finds talking on a mobile phone is still dangerously distracting. The “Orange Cones. No Phones.” campaign aims to improve safety by reducing distracted driving within the 395 Express Lanes work zone.
Orange cones
• Queensland Road Safety Week with a key theme of speaking up for road safety and focusing on a different road safety issue daily. • Re:act Project an initiative of Hard Edge in collaboration with Swinburne University, providing final year design students with industry experience to develop a behaviour change campaign targeting a road safety issue. Queensland Government co-lab initiative targeting safe road use with young people. • "Phone Down, Chin Up", a
During FY18, we participated in, or supported, the following awareness campaigns: • Yellow Ribbon National Road Safety Week where we promoted the key message, "Drive so others survive". • People Behind the Roads campaign, showcasing the work of Transurban’s people and their expertise in keeping the network safe. • "Orange cones. No phones" campaign targeting distracted driving through a work zone on our USA network.
Image (right): Re:act Project design students from Swinburne University
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