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FY18 Sustainability Report Transurban 24

Diversity, inclusion and wellbeing

Equal pay reviews Every 12 months we review our performance on gender-pay equity. Our 2018 review identified no significant pay gap between male and female employees across the organisation. Inspiring a new generation of female engineers We’re passionate about creating pathways to support women entering and excelling in engineering and technology. We’re doing this by: • providing the Females Excelling in Engineering and Technology (FEET) mentoring program. (Read more about FEET in the next section) • hosting tunnel tours for groups of female secondary school students during Careers Week, sharing insights on motorway operation and highlighting the rewarding career opportunities that are available to engineers • awarding "Transurban Women in Engineering" Scholarships through universities in both Sydney and Melbourne • supporting Power of Engineering, a non-profit organisation focused on showcasing the diverse career opportunities available to engineers. The program targets female urban, regional and Aboriginal students.

Women in leadership Launched in 2014, more than 50 female Transurban employees have completed our Women in Leadership training program. A further 15 employees participated in the program this year.

FEET mentorship program Transurban opened its doors to 48 female students from across Australia through the 2018 summer and winter intakes of our Females Excelling in Engineering and Technology (FEET) mentoring program. The program offers students 35 hours of one-on-one mentoring, as well as a tour of an asset in each state and the opportunity to meet with our Group Executives. In New South Wales nine students were placed with mentors from various divisions including Risk Management, Project Delivery, Technology and Asset Management. Fourth year Engineering and Construction student Chantelle Yousif and first year Civil Engineering student Sue Lay Yoong worked with

the Lane Cove Tunnel and Hills M2 Asset Manager to see what it takes to manage and maintain busy motorways. “I’m trying to find more hands- on experience before I finish my degree and this program is perfect,” Chantelle said. In Queensland, students were placed across multiple assets and in Queensland Business Operations. Civil Engineering student Amelia Tenaglia completed her mentoring with the National Business Advisor for Operational Excellence. “I’m really enjoying meeting such a broad range of people. It’s great to see how everyone collaborates from all areas of the business to manage such massive roads and infrastructure,” Amelia said.

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