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FY18 Sustainability Report Transurban 26

Diversity, inclusion and wellbeing


84% of our people said that they have the flexibility to manage their working

Flexible working Just as our wellbeing program supports the health of our employees, our flexible ways of working help employees balance their work and home lives. People’s circumstances, priorities and flexibility needs are ever-changing, and offering flexibility in how our employees work makes a balanced life easier to achieve. A pulse survey (April 2018) indicated more than 84 per cent of our people have the flexibility to manage their working responsibilities in a way that allows them to maintain a healthy balance between their work and personal life. Our employees use flexible working for a range of purposes including: • attending courses and training • improving their mental wellbeing • recovering from injuries • looking after and picking up children • caring for and supporting elderly parents • attending university studies, to enhance knowledge and advance career progression. Flexible Work Day During FY18 we hosted a Flexible Work Day, an event promoting our flexible working options, including part-time work, flexible hours, working from home, job sharing and lifestyle leave, and the various technology available to support our workforce.

Mental health resilience and support

All our employees are encouraged to take opportunities to improve their mental resilience. As well as working to remove the stigma around mental health issues, we also offer: • counselling via our free employee assist program • training in mental health first aid, now completed by 95 employees across our offices. During FY18 we also: • supported World Mental Health Day and RUOK? Day by hosting events and encouraging employees to talk about their overall wellbeing or mental health with their colleagues • hosted mindfulness workshops to help employees manage stress and build resilience through relaxation and mindfulness techniques • ran strengthening resilient mindset training to arm employees with practical skills to manage stress and improve their emotional resilience • ran Leader Wellbeing at Work Training to help our people leaders recognise mental health issues in the workplace and refer employees to appropriate support.

responsibilities and maintain a healthy balance

Transurban’s Mind Wellbeing Program was a finalist in the 2017 Allan Fels AO Mental Health in the Workplace Award.

Image (right): Chathurika, Graduate Project Engineer, works part time while studying a combined civil engineering and law degree

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