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FY18 Sustainability Report Transurban 02

Message from the CEO

• continuing to prepare for the arrival of connected and automated vehicles, and in particular, testing how these vehicles interact with our existing infrastructure (SDG 9) • extending and enhancing our gender diversity and inclusion initiatives, including a pay equity review (SDG 5) • launching a carpooling challenge in partnership with the Banksia Foundation (SDG 11) • achieving Infrastructure Sustainability ratings for two major Australian projects (SDG 11) • leading an industry push towards sustainable construction materials (SDG 12). This work is helping to provide more equitable access to mobility and employment across communities, and minimising the impact our motorways and projects have on the environment. Looking ahead to the 2018–19 financial year, we are refreshing our sustainability strategy to more clearly align our activities with the SDGs and create new momentum for our own ambitious sustainability goals. We are also setting new performance targets to report on over time. Importantly, we are looking to build and grow partnerships in our sector, both nationally and globally, to drive and accelerate progress towards achieving these goals.

As we were preparing this year’s Sustainability Report, the NSW Government chose a Transurban-led consortium as its partner to deliver the new 33 kilometres WestConnex motorway. With the acquisition of WestConnex in September 2018, we now operate 17 motorways across five geographical markets and have nine development projects under way. As a world-leading toll-road operator, we must set the highest standards in everything we do—and particularly in how we are contributing to a more sustainable future for people and our planet. Everything we do from our multi-billion dollar development projects to our grants programs for grassroots community groups considers the lasting benefits that we can deliver to make our cities better places in which to live and to work. In this, our approach is aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we remain committed to the United Nations Global Compact. These two global initiatives aim to address the world’s pressing social, environmental and economic challenges. Of the 17 SDGs, we have identified nine that are particularly relevant to us—and we’ve been working to bring our operations further in line with these goals. Some of our key sustainability achievements for FY18 include: • implementing a major program to meet the needs of customers experiencing financial hardship (SDG 11) • making considerable progress towards sustainable procurement processes, including considering modern slavery (SDG 8)

Image: Scott Charlton Chief Executive Officer

Scott Charlton Chief Executive Officer

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