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FY18 Sustainability Report Transurban 39
Innovation grants
In FY17, three innovation grants were awarded under our Innovation Grants Program. These projects have progressed throughout FY18 with one completed and the remaining two due to be completed by the end of 2018. From FY18 we have discontinued the grants program and instead, are pursuing individual partnerships, collaborations and research. Eyes on the road: Intelligent smart sensors for road safety Partner: Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne The aim of this project was to design and develop a low cost sustainable technology that can reduce accidents due to drivers exceeding the speed limit in dangerous or accident prone locations. The team have developed a solar powered sensor based system that gives real-time feedback on vehicle speeds, using flashing lights, that warns drivers to slow down. Multiple test in labs and on road have been carried out and the system is currently being refined based on the results obtained. Graphene pressure sensor Partner: Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University This grant was awarded to support the trial of a graphene pressure sensor that, when integrated into the motorway surface, could potentially enable a ‘smarter’ road capable of reporting on traffic density, weight, volume and road surface condition. All phases of this project are now complete and the final concept, which was a multi- layered cold mix asphalt pad with sensors (3m 2 ), has successfully detected and recorded the weight of moving loads.
Case study Smart highways startup challenge
In FY17, we partnered with global start- up incubator Union to identify solutions to improve the roads and networks we manage. Six start-ups with new technologies and business models were selected to participate in a three-month incubation program where we worked in partnership to improve their products through real life testing and take their start-ups to the next level. Improving roadside wire barriers The main aim of this project was to develop a new crash barrier that reduced the risk of injuries for motorcyclists in impacts with wire rope barriers. Traditional crash barriers have reduced injury risk for vehicle occupants but in some situations they constitute an additional injury hazard for motorcyclists. This study focused on options for materials, overall performance and development opportunities. The developed prototype barrier can be installed over existing wire rope barriers and is now ready to progress to commercialisation, impact testing and motorcycle crash testing.
Image (above): Solar powered sensors that give real-time feedback on vehicle speeds
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