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FY18 Sustainability Report Transurban 41
In conjunction with government and industry partners, we’ve designed trials that are safe and comply with regulations. Our aim is to identify genuine insights specific to our motorway environment and to share our findings and recommendations with the wider community in an accessible manner.
JUNE 2018+
AUGUST 2018+
VIC Highly Automated Vehicle Trials In June we demonstrated the Bosch TAC Highly Automated Driving (HAD) vehicle on CityLink in live traffic at motorway speed—for the first time on an Australian motorway. This vehicle differs from the production vehicles involved in our partial automation trials in Victoria and New South Wales. In addition to using cameras and radar, it also deploys LIDAR, high-precision maps and driver monitoring. These trials helped inform us about the ways in which these more advanced vehicles need to be adapted to suit our local motorway environments, and provide some indication of what to expect from automated cars, when they become commercially available in the future. Also, by taking community members in this highly automated vehicle as part of our research program we learned more about community attitudes to automated driving.
North America Transurban has partnered with the USA Federal Highway Administration to use vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle- to-infrastructure communications to demonstrate platooning, speed harmonisation and cooperative merging on I-95 Express Lanes.
Where to from here In the next phases of the trial program, we will build on the learnings from this first year, extending trials to Queensland and introducing more highly automated vehicles and connected vehicle communications. We look forward to sharing further details of these trials as they become available, and welcome further industry collaboration to accelerate the introduction of these important new technologies.
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