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FY18 Sustainability Report Transurban 47

Health, safety and environment

Case study Bringing our environmental management principles to life Our NorthConnex M2 Integration (M2I) project was delivered in line with our environmental management principles, including: • reducing vegetation clearing levels to protect 742 threatened shrubs. In protecting these shrubs, we also saved habitat trees and other native animal habitat in the area, including 29 hollow-bearing trees • recycling about 3,000 tonnes of asphalt, 6,277 tonnes of concrete, and 43,260 cubic metres of sandstone • planting 4,842 native trees and shrubs • redesigning the Darling Mills Creek Bridge to allow for the installation of a plexiglass screen, reducing noise for residents and giving motorists a view of the creek gully • protecting an important winter roost for the Eastern Bentwing-bat under an M2 culvert • minimising construction impacts on Darling Mills Creek by installing

Case study Turning a quarry into a park

A new public park in the northern Sydney suburb of Hornsby, is starting to take shape. We have been filling this disused quarry with close to one million cubic metres of spoil from our NorthConnex tunnelling project. Once filled, Hornsby Shire Council will transform the site into a public park for the community to enjoy. Spoil haulage began in May 2017, and by the end of June 2018, more than 850,000 cubic metres of shale and sandstone had been poured into the quarry’s void. Hornsby Shire Council are working with the community to decide how the park should be used. More than 1,200 surveys were completed by the community, with creative ideas for the future development of the area. We also invited around 50 University of NSW landscape architecture students

a tower crane and pedestrian walkway instead of a rock and pipe crossing.

to visit the site and develop proposals. The new park is expected to open in 2023.

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