McKinsey Quarterly 2023 Number 1

McKinsey Quarterly1
Finding opportunity amid turbulence3
Table of contents5
McKinsey Quarterly8
McKinsey Quarterly staff8
Contributing editors8
McKinsey Publishing Board of Editors8
Outlook The future of aviation in charts9
Can we fight climate change–and still fly?10
Global aviation can achieve net zero by 2050.10
Not all planes are created equal12
Aviation fuel 2.014
Novel propulsion: Another flight path16
On the cusp of a new era?18
The world order20
The world is becoming multipolar and proactive20
Increasing multipolarity may support a trend toward realignment into regionally and ideologically aligned groups21
Years of relative moderation in internal and international politics may give way to more political polarization, both internally and among blocs21
Exhibit 1 The world may be transitioning to the next era.21
Unresolved questions22
Technology platforms22
Key drivers of previous eras may slow in the coming years22
A set of transversal technologies may shape the next era22
Exhibit 2 Investment is flooding into 14 transversal technologies.23
Technology may move to the forefront of geopolitical competition and power23
Unresolved questions24
Demographic forces24
A young world will evolve into an aging, urban world24
The age of communicable diseases may give way to an age of noncommunicable diseases25
Inequality within countries may increasingly challenge the social fabric25
Unresolved questions25
Resource and energy systems26
Spending will shift to replacing fossil fuels, but overall investment may struggle to keep pace with growing energy needs26
Resilience, feasibility, and affordability concerns may challenge the velocity of the transition to net zero26
Critical resources for the future economy may become increasingly important in economics and geopolitics27
Exhibit 3 Investment in energy supply has stagnated, and more is needed.27
Unresolved questions28
Economic growth rates may normalize29
Growing leverage and credit may evolve into balance sheet stress29
The OECD century is giving way to the Asian century29
Unresolved questions30
How can leaders think about the road ahead?30
A devilish duality How CEOs can square resilience with net-zero promises32
Stormy weather34
Energy availability and security35
Governance and regulation35
Shaping a resilient sustainability strategy35
Resilience today and value tomorrow: Five actions for CEOs38
Accelerate capital deployment with a private equity mindset38
Play offense through a sustainable value creation strategy38
Go beyond net zero39
Build the partnership and ecosystem muscle39
Aggressively reskill leadership teams, boards, and frontline workers39
Starting strong: Making your CEO transition a catalyst for renewal41
Don’t make it about you43
Listen, then act45
Nail your firsts46
Play big ball48
The Quarterly Interview: Provocations to Ponder52
‘It’s important to bring the spirit of emergencies to the long term’53
The future of banks: A $20 trillion breakup opportunity60
Banking is losing its traditional advantages62
A full-fledged e-commerce bank: Kaspi Bank66
Investment advisory66
Complex financing66
A multipronged approach: Royal Bank of Canada67
Mass wholesale intermediation68
Banking as a service68
Commerce marketplace specialist: From WeChat to WeBank69
An inside look at the biggest arena: Everyday banking70
The impact of data and money regulation around the world is uncertain71
The next phase of banking for incumbents, challengers, and the rest of us72
Re:think Shifting to a new mindset for equitable business outcomes74
How will the space economy change the world?76
The benefits of the space economy—with more to come78
Finally, a tipping point79
More launches, lower costs79
Smaller satellites, bigger gains80
Greater investment, more innovation80
New use cases and more momentum81
Space-for-Earth applications81
Space-for-space applications82
A defining moment: How Europe’s CEOs can build resilience to grow in today’s economic maelstrom84
Can leaders lift their companies to the next frontier of resilience—not only to survive but also to thrive?85
A defining leadership moment86
Exhibit 1 Economic scenarios plot potential impact of disruptions on the eurozone GDP growth path for 2022–25.86
Exemplary moves87
Why resilience matters: What still works and what doesn’t88
Exhibit 2 Resilient companies play defense and offense simultaneously.89
The next frontier of resilience90
Foresight: Moving beyond targeted responses91
Exhibit 3 The key levers of a resilient response lie across six enterprise dimensions.91
Adaptation: Not just surviving but thriving92
From adaptation to growth93
Every company is a software company: Six ‘must dos’ to succeed94
Commit to a software culture96
Three ‘switch to software’ models98
Invest in empowered product managers99
Drive engineering excellence through autonomous teams and flexible architecture100
Win at software by playing the ecosystem game101
Joining an existing ecosystem101
Building an internal ecosystem101
Build a specific software go-to-market capability101
Find and keep talent by focusing on mission and work environment102
Re:think A more efficient food system can build global resilience104
Reducing food loss:106
Where and how does food get lost?108
Exhibit 1 About half of global food loss and waste happens upstream, before products arrive at retailers’ stores or warehouses.109
How companies can turn food loss into big wins110
Exhibit 2 What typically happens to field-grown tomatoes meant to be sold fresh in developed countries?111
Create transparency and set targets111
Decide what to do—and do it112
Is food loss the same as food waste?113
Enable true and lasting change114
The 125th anniversary of the little engine that couldn’t116
A start-up gets its long head of steam117
Taking a product perspective118
Thinking in systems119
Lessons for cars and the future120
Dive in121
Author Talks122
Bill George on emotionally intelligent leaders122
Dipo Faloyin on correcting the African narrative123
Marina Nitze on navigating red tape with ease123
Relevant reading124
McKinsey Global Publishing128

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