McKinsey Quarterly 2023 Number 1

Relevant reading

If you liked “Starting strong: Making your CEO transition a catalyst for renewal,” on page 38, check out “Where dele gation fails: Five things only the enter prise CEO can do to build new busi nesses.” Occupying the top spot at any - - - organization is more difficult today than it has been in at least a decade, thanks in part to complex global dynamics and digital transformation. This article explores how to effectively pull off one of the most important initia tives for any CEO, particularly those - making a first impression as a leader: building a new business without being distracted by existing operations or shiny but short-lived trends. If you liked “How will the space econ omy change the world?,” on page 74, - read “Strengthening collaboration in the European space ecosystem.” The race to gain first-mover advantage in space is heating up as more businesses— including makers of everything from pharmaceuticals to semiconductors— realize the potential of partnering with aerospace companies. But getting ahead, particularly for European stake holders, will require a thoughtful approach to collaboration and to the sharing of expertise among public agen cies, private companies, entrepreneurs, - and investors, as this article explores.

McKinsey Quarterly 2022 Number 4 2023 Number 1


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