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@ T H E LO C A L H E L E N A @ T H E LO C A L _ H E L E N A I N F O@ T H E LO C A L - H E L E N A . COM
Cover Photo by Susan Adams
GOVERNOR’S CUP Marathon | Half Marathon | Marathon Relay 10K | 5K | Fun Run & Kids Marathon
2 nd Weekend in June HELENA, MONTANA
For more information and registration visit:
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CON T E N T S T H E L O C A L H E L E N A V O L . 1 / S P R I N G 2 0 1 8
4 .
WE L COM E Learn how to use this guide and get to know the contributors
6 0 . L I V E 6 2 . H OWDY , N E I G H B O R Helena’s Neighborhoods 6 6 . I N T H E L I M E L I G H T :
6 .
H E L E N A About the Capital City
U N COMMON G R O U N D About Your Montana Real Estate Concierge
7 6 . WO R K 7 8 . U N P R E C E D E N T E D WO R K S PA C E The Sidecar: Helena’s Co-working Space 8 0 . WOM E N ' S L E A D E R S H I P N E T WO R K Inspiration and Support to Achieve Your Dreams 8 2 . L E A R N 8 4 . L I F E L ON G L E A R N I N G 8 6 . G I V E 8 8 . A B I G F OOT P R I N T An Intro to the Helena Nonprofit Scene 9 0 . S TAY 9 2 . H I S TO R I C B E D & B R E A K FA S T S 9 3 . O U R A I R B N B P I C K S
8 . E AT 1 0 . TA S T E T H E TOWN 1 6 . S WE E T T R E AT S 2 0 . D R I N K 2 2 . C R A F T CO C K TA I L S Feature: Gulch Distillers 2 4 . Q & A With Gulch Distillers 2 6 . NOT YO U R A V E R AG E C U P O F J O E
Restaurant Reviews + Locals Recommend
Get to know the coffee shops around town 2 8 . M E E T H E L E N A ' S B R EWE R I E S 3 2 . R E D S , WH I T E S , A N D B U B B L I E S Feature: The Hawthorn Bottle Shop & Tasting Room 3 6 . P L AY 3 8 . B I G A R T , S MA L L TOWN The Art Scene in Helena 4 2 . U NO B S T R U C T E D V I EW S A Guide to Helena’s Trail System 4 8 . YOG A & M E D I TAT I ON Yoga Studios Around Town 5 2 . S HO P 5 4 . T H I S P L A C E WE C A L L H OM E Feature: fourOsix 5 8 . S H O P S MA L L
I N A U G U R A L I S S U E | 3
Contributors TO T H E LO C A L
CLAIRE BACHOFNER // Lead Writer & Copy Editor
CASSIE PARR // Co-Creator & Promotions
ALLIE REYNOLDS // Co-Creator & Designer
JASON O’NEIL // Photographer
SAM ERICKSON // Videographer
SUSAN ADAMS // Cover Photography
C A L L I N G A L L C R E AT I V E S ! Help us take The Local to the next level. We're seeking talented writers, photographers, videographers, and creators to help us with Vol. 2. Interested? Contact us!
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Welcome. We’re happy to announce that Helena, formerly known as the “sleepy government town”, is being redefined. This publication was created by a collective group of people who love Helena and want to share this special place with YOU. We want you to hike our favorite trails, taste our favorite dishes, shop our favor- ite stores, drink our favorite beer, sip our favorite cocktails, and experience our town the way a local does. HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE: The Local is not, by any means, an exhaustive list of every
wonderful business in Helena. Instead, it is a personal invitation. It is a collection of some of our favorites. It is what we would say if you stopped us on the street and said, “We’re new to town, where should we go?” And, that being said, we want to hear more about your favorite spots and local businesses. We are already working on Vol. 2 and truly value the input of all who love Helena as much as we do! Please share your stories and local tips with us on our website: Our greatest hope is that you will explore all The Local has to offer: click, watch, listen, read, interact, explore, share, and come back to visit again and again. The Local aims to be a live resource rather than a stagnant, short-term here today, gone tomorrow publication. That is why we’ve gone digital. Trust us, you’ll want to check it out. Most Helenans have been asked “So, you live in Helena? What do you even to do there?” Next time someone asks, just smile politely, and ask them if they’ve heard of ‘The Local’. We look forward to seeing you around town. PHYSICAL: Pick this guide up at local businesses! Get the full list of spots here. n
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About H E L E N A , M T
In Helena, we take our quality of life very seriously. Look, when you love where you live, it’s contagious. You want to share that love with others. You want to take care of your community and connect deeply with people. You want to experience the area to its fullest. Whether you’re hiking peaks, biking trails, fishing rivers, boating lakes, drinking locally brewed beer, shopping at downtown businesses or dining at a favorite restaurant, you want to take it all in. You do these things not only because they’re fun and they make you happy but also because, in Helena, you feel deeply connected to them. They’re yours. They mean something to you. And, when something means so much to you, it’s easy to share it in a natural, hospitable way. So, welcome to Helena. We’re glad you’re here. Let us show you around. DOWNTOWN HELENA Our downtown area rocks. In the past 5 years, we’ve gained a fantastic wine bar, a new brewery, a handful of fresh dining options, boutiques, coffee shops and more. And, the businesses that have been on Last Chance Gulch remain because of the amazing ways the businesses combine a whole lot of heart with a whole lot of quality. It’s just how you’d
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FISH ON! Fly fishing is major in Helena. We are close to the longest river in North America, the Missouri, a main fly fishing destination and recreational site. It is home to countless caddisflies, midges, and mayflies. Fish come here to feast. In addition to the Missouri, Helena is surrounded by smaller rivers and streams that provide endless fishing possibilities. SNOW DAYS During the winter months, Great Divide Ski Area is bustling with snowboarders and downhill skiers. It is usually the very first ski area to open each year. Locally owned, Great Divide hosts many fun events and offers night skiing on Fridays which is a blast for all levels. There are also many snowshoe and cross- country ski trails surrounding Helena. Snowshoeing is a great way to take in amazing views of the mountains, get fresh air and beat the winter blues. The Helena area offers tons of options for cross country skiing as well. To name a few, the Bill Roberts golf course (great for beginners) which has mild slopes and is right in town! MacDonald and Stemple Passes are also conveniently close wilderness areas where you can really enjoy the peaceful open space of the outdoors. (Information from HIKING & BIKING Helena is also known for its extensive trail system which provides great mountain biking, hiking and trail-running. Many Helena residents boast that the trails are “in their backyard,” which is a perfect way to describe it. Helena offers over 80 miles of trails that you can access from right downtown. n
want a downtown to feel and we’re beyond lucky to have such a thriving and great example here in our town. The Historic “Last Chance Gulch” is the main street downtown. Not only is the street lined with incredible businesses up and down the entire gulch but it’s also home to Montana’s only outdoor walking mall. This means casual, unhurried strolling down historic cobblestone streets. It means kids can run freely and parents can relax. It means we have a wonderful gathering place to eat ice cream and catch up with neighbors and friends. It means great patios and outdoor dining at several spots along the way. HELENA ART SCENE Helena has a surprisingly booming art scene. The Holter Museum of Art has been gracing the community with unique exhibits since 1987. The Myrna Loy Center presents live performances and feature films every week and has been doing so since 1976. There are also many local galleries in the downtown area that feature local artists as well as nationally acclaimed artists. Whether you’re looking for a traditional western art aesthetic or more of a contemporary style, Helena galleries have got you covered. WATER, WATER, EVERYWHERE If you enjoy time on the water, Helena is the place for you! North of Helena, the Missouri River forms 3 large lakes including Canyon Ferry, Holter, and Hauser lakes. These bodies of water offer sailing, boating, and fishing in the summer as well as ice fishing in the winter. Visit the local marina to rent a paddle board and hit one of the sandy beaches on Canyon Ferry.
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8 | WWW.T H E L O C A L- H E L E N A . COM Pictured: Taco del Sol
P H OTO B Y : J A S ON O ’ N E I L
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Taste T H E TOWN
B A D B E T T Y ' S B A R B E C U E 812 Front Street, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 459-2303 Bad Betty’s Barbecue boldly lives up to their die-hard name in every way. From the moment you step through the door, your senses will light up, your mouth will water, and your stomach will growl. This is a deliberately small and focused operation, specializing in the smoky, the sweet, the tender. Casually kind, straightforward counter service, a spacious dining area with just the right amount of hip, warm, bbq-based pizazz, and flavor-packed meals that are delivered to your table in minutes will leave you feeling satisfied and content any day of the week. It’s like the best gourmet indoor picnic ever. LOCALS RECOMMEND: The daily special with jalapeño cornbread and coleslaw.
Pictured: Nosh Cafe
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