Welcome. We’re happy to announce that Helena, formerly known as the “sleepy government town”, is being redefined. This publication was created by a collective group of people who love Helena and want to share this special place with YOU. We want you to hike our favorite trails, taste our favorite dishes, shop our favor- ite stores, drink our favorite beer, sip our favorite cocktails, and experience our town the way a local does. HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE: The Local is not, by any means, an exhaustive list of every
wonderful business in Helena. Instead, it is a personal invitation. It is a collection of some of our favorites. It is what we would say if you stopped us on the street and said, “We’re new to town, where should we go?” And, that being said, we want to hear more about your favorite spots and local businesses. We are already working on Vol. 2 and truly value the input of all who love Helena as much as we do! Please share your stories and local tips with us on our website: Our greatest hope is that you will explore all The Local has to offer: click, watch, listen, read, interact, explore, share, and come back to visit again and again. The Local aims to be a live resource rather than a stagnant, short-term here today, gone tomorrow publication. That is why we’ve gone digital. Trust us, you’ll want to check it out. Most Helenans have been asked “So, you live in Helena? What do you even to do there?” Next time someone asks, just smile politely, and ask them if they’ve heard of ‘The Local’. We look forward to seeing you around town. PHYSICAL: Pick this guide up at local businesses! Get the full list of spots here. n
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