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@ T H E LO C A L H E L E N A @ T H E LO C A L _ H E L E N A I N F O@ T H E LO C A L - H E L E N A . COM

Cover Photo by Susan Adams

Carpathian List of Endangered Species

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Carpathian List of Endangered Species

Edited by

Zbigniew J. Witkowski — chief editor Wieslaw Król Wojciech Solarz


Krzysztof Kukuła Henryk Okarma Jerzy Pawłowski Kajetan Perzanowski Tomas Ruzicka Judit Sandor Viera Stanova Lydia Tasenkevich Mojmir Vlasin

Vienna, Austria and Krakow, Poland April 2003


+ 1-202-555-0179



Integración y Control Industrial, SA CV Mar de la Tranquilidad No. 198-10, Col. El Parque C.P. 04899, México, D.F. Tels.: (55) 5678-4448, 5678-4585, 5678-4458 Fax: (55) 5684-4595 Código 80032 Integraciones y Automatización HOH, SA CV Rosal No. 69, Col. Bosques de los Remedios C.P. 53030, Naucalpan, Edo. Méx. Tels.: (55) 2166-1492 Fax: (55) 5552-6828 Código 36533 Integradora Eléctrica Universal Av. Lázaro Cárdenas No. 40 Sur, Col. Jorge Almada C.P. 80200, Culiacán, Sin. Tels.: (667) 712-0774 Fax: (667) 716-1839 Código 99578 Internacional de Válvulas e Instrumentación, SA CV Puebla Mz. 212 Bis Lt. 3, Col. Luis Echeverría Alvarez C.P. 54760, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Edo. Méx. Tels.: (55) 2602-2300, 2602-4209 Fax: (55) 5893-4772 Correo electrónico: CONTACTO: ING. GUILLERMO TORRES GUERRERO PRODUCTOS/SERVICIOS Asesoría especializada e ingeniería en proyectos electromecánicos, así como la compra y venta y remanufactura de tubería, válvulas y conexiones, ferretería en general y mil productos mas. Productos especiales: tubería, válvulas, conexiones recubiertas interiormente de tfe, pvdf, kynar y ppl, aleaciones especiales alloy 20 mastelloy, carpenter y model. MARCAS BRAY, CEPEX, CRANE, FUSIBOND, HAYWARD, HOKE, JAMESBURY, KEYSTONE, MATRIX, ONIX, PARKER, RESISTOFLEX, SAUNDERS, SPEARS, SPECE NICHOLSON, SPIRAX SARCO, SWAGELOK, TUFLINE, VRG, WALWORTH, WORCESTER, XOMOX, ZAMACO. Código 19569 International Laboratories de Juárez Ejército Nacional No. 6225, Col. Rincon Del Portal C.P. 32520, Cd. Juárez, Chih. Tels.: (656) 623-0235, 617-9631 Fax: (656) 623-1004 Código 37456 International Seal de México, SA CV Av. de las Misiones No. 1-5, Col. Parque Industrial Bernardo Quintana C.P. 76246, Querétaro, Qro. Tels.: (442) 221-6303 Fax: (442) 221-6327 Código 9285 Invensys Systems México, SA De La Amargura No. 60, Col. Parques de la Herradura C.P. 52786, Huixquilucan, Edo. Méx. Tels.: (55) 5263-0100, 5263-0138

DUCTOS/SERVICIOS uidor de equipo de medición y control. CAS UFF, BUSSMANN, CARLO GAVAZZI, UZET, DRIWISA, EFECTOR, FERRAZ WMUT, FINDER, FLUKE, HARTMANN, NCE, MOELLER, OMRON, ORBITEC, ERL + FUCHS, POWEREX, SEMIKRON, WMUT, SICK, SIRENA. 104370 umentación y Equipos de rol, SA CV e de Merigos Mz. 18 Lt. 96-A, racc. Real del Bosque 4948, Tultitlán, Edo. Méx. (55) 2593-3327 55) 2593-3984 o electrónico: NTACTO: A. LIZBETH ARIAS RODRIGUEZ DUCTOS/SERVICIOS a venta de material para instrumentación ol, servicio de asesoría en control y atización, desarrollo de instrumentación de de producción. CAS , ASCO, ATC, BALLUFF, BANNER, T, DWYER, EFECTOR, FESTO, FLUKE, EYWELL, JEFFERSON, METRON, LER, NORGREN, OMRON, OPTO CH, RED LION, SICK, SIEMENS, SMC, MECANIQUE, TIMESWITCH, TURCK, T. 80724 umentación y Servicios trónicos, SA CV ulio No. 830, Col. Moderna 4190, Guadalajara, Jal. (33) 3613-0704, 3613-0705, 3613-1681 33) 3613-0704, 3613-0705 19427 umentación y Sistemas nzados, SA CV eli No. 118, Col. Centro 6040, México, D.F. (55) 5510-4265, 5510-3731 55) 5518-6679 70499 umentación y Tecnología para matizar, SA CV ahagún No. 42, Col. Villa De Aragón 7570, México, D.F. (55) 5794-9853 55) 2158-6490 30642 umentación, Automatización y icios, SA CV ntial 18-A, Fracc. El Oasis 5728, Coacalco, Edo. Méx. (55) 5865-0036, 5865-0037, 5865-0039 55) 5865-0041 32639 umentación, Control uipos, SA CV Martínez No. 249, mpl. Los Angeles 7148, Torreón, Coah. (871) 716-2583, 716-2775, 716-2748 871) 716-6377

Código 19432 Instrumentaciones Internacionales, SA CV Berlín No. 119, Col. Valle Dorado C.P. 54020, Tlalnepantla, Edo. Méx. Tels.: (55) 5379-4095 Fax: (55) 5379-4095 Código 19438 Instrumentos Industriales del Pacífico, SA CV Juan Carrasco No. 212 Pte., Col. Centro C.P. 81200, Los Mochis, Sin.

Tels.: (668) 816-0140 Fax: (668) 816-0144 Código 80675 Instrumentos

y Comunicaciones, SA CV Interior De Galerías No. 3425-2, Col. Rincón De Primavera C.P. 64834, Monterrey, N.L.

Tels.: (81) 8387-0522 Fax: (81) 8387-0533 Código 19443 Instrumentos y Controles Automáticos, SA Parque Río Frío No. 6-101, Col. El Parque C.P. 53398, Naucalpan, Edo. Méx. Tels.: (55) 5576-7388, 5359-1024, 5358-3599 Fax: (55) 5359-1053 Código 50282 Instrumentos y Equipos Falcón, SA CV José De Teresa No. 188, Col. Campestre C.P. 01040, México, D.F. Tels.: (55) 5661-8508 Fax: (55) 5661-8508 Ext. 204 Código 70110 Instrumentos, Refacciones y Equipos, SA (Iresa) Unión No. 145, Col. Industrial C.P. 07800, México, D.F. Tels.: (55) 5577-0224 Fax: (55) 5781-3244 Código 19455 Intecmex, SA CV Río Pánuco No. 82 P.B., Col. Cuauhtémoc C.P. 06500, México, D.F. Tels.: (55) 5533-6435, 5208-4564, 5208-7113 Fax: (55) 5525-2289 Código 35267 Integra Automation, SA CV Av. Industrias No. 325-A, Col. Talleres C.P. 78399, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. Tels.: (444) 822-2615, 822-2616 Fax: (444) 822-2616 Código 95813 Integra Automatización y Control, SA CV Lago del Jazmín No. 1, Col. Fuentes de Satélite C.P. 52998, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Edo. Méx. Tels.: (55) 5344-7712, 5344-7728 Fax: (55) 5343-5995 Código 2252 Integración Total en Automatización Mar de Bering No. 12, Col. Las Hadas C.P. 76160, Querétaro, Qro. Tels.: (442) 214-2415, 212-9751 Fax: (442) 212-9751 Código 94908


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GOVERNOR’S CUP Marathon | Half Marathon | Marathon Relay 10K | 5K | Fun Run & Kids Marathon

2 nd Weekend in June HELENA, MONTANA

For more information and registration visit:



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CON T E N T S T H E L O C A L H E L E N A V O L . 1 / S P R I N G 2 0 1 8


4 .

WE L COM E Learn how to use this guide and get to know the contributors

6 0 . L I V E 6 2 . H OWDY , N E I G H B O R Helena’s Neighborhoods 6 6 . I N T H E L I M E L I G H T :

6 .

H E L E N A About the Capital City

U N COMMON G R O U N D About Your Montana Real Estate Concierge

7 6 . WO R K 7 8 . U N P R E C E D E N T E D WO R K S PA C E The Sidecar: Helena’s Co-working Space 8 0 . WOM E N ' S L E A D E R S H I P N E T WO R K Inspiration and Support to Achieve Your Dreams 8 2 . L E A R N 8 4 . L I F E L ON G L E A R N I N G 8 6 . G I V E 8 8 . A B I G F OOT P R I N T An Intro to the Helena Nonprofit Scene 9 0 . S TAY 9 2 . H I S TO R I C B E D & B R E A K FA S T S 9 3 . O U R A I R B N B P I C K S

8 . E AT 1 0 . TA S T E T H E TOWN 1 6 . S WE E T T R E AT S 2 0 . D R I N K 2 2 . C R A F T CO C K TA I L S Feature: Gulch Distillers 2 4 . Q & A With Gulch Distillers 2 6 . NOT YO U R A V E R AG E C U P O F J O E

Restaurant Reviews + Locals Recommend

Get to know the coffee shops around town 2 8 . M E E T H E L E N A ' S B R EWE R I E S 3 2 . R E D S , WH I T E S , A N D B U B B L I E S Feature: The Hawthorn Bottle Shop & Tasting Room 3 6 . P L AY 3 8 . B I G A R T , S MA L L TOWN The Art Scene in Helena 4 2 . U NO B S T R U C T E D V I EW S A Guide to Helena’s Trail System 4 8 . YOG A & M E D I TAT I ON Yoga Studios Around Town 5 2 . S HO P 5 4 . T H I S P L A C E WE C A L L H OM E Feature: fourOsix 5 8 . S H O P S MA L L



I N A U G U R A L I S S U E | 3

Contributors TO T H E LO C A L

CLAIRE BACHOFNER // Lead Writer & Copy Editor

CASSIE PARR // Co-Creator & Promotions

ALLIE REYNOLDS // Co-Creator & Designer

JASON O’NEIL // Photographer


SAM ERICKSON // Videographer




SUSAN ADAMS // Cover Photography


C A L L I N G A L L C R E AT I V E S ! Help us take The Local to the next level. We're seeking talented writers, photographers, videographers, and creators to help us with Vol. 2. Interested? Contact us!

4 | WWW. T H E L O C A L - H E L E N A . COM

Welcome. We’re happy to announce that Helena, formerly known as the “sleepy government town”, is being redefined. This publication was created by a collective group of people who love Helena and want to share this special place with YOU. We want you to hike our favorite trails, taste our favorite dishes, shop our favor- ite stores, drink our favorite beer, sip our favorite cocktails, and experience our town the way a local does. HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE: The Local is not, by any means, an exhaustive list of every

wonderful business in Helena. Instead, it is a personal invitation. It is a collection of some of our favorites. It is what we would say if you stopped us on the street and said, “We’re new to town, where should we go?” And, that being said, we want to hear more about your favorite spots and local businesses. We are already working on Vol. 2 and truly value the input of all who love Helena as much as we do! Please share your stories and local tips with us on our website: Our greatest hope is that you will explore all The Local has to offer: click, watch, listen, read, interact, explore, share, and come back to visit again and again. The Local aims to be a live resource rather than a stagnant, short-term here today, gone tomorrow publication. That is why we’ve gone digital. Trust us, you’ll want to check it out. Most Helenans have been asked “So, you live in Helena? What do you even to do there?” Next time someone asks, just smile politely, and ask them if they’ve heard of ‘The Local’. We look forward to seeing you around town. PHYSICAL: Pick this guide up at local businesses! Get the full list of spots here. n

I N A U G U R A L I S S U E | 5

About H E L E N A , M T

In Helena, we take our quality of life very seriously. Look, when you love where you live, it’s contagious. You want to share that love with others. You want to take care of your community and connect deeply with people. You want to experience the area to its fullest. Whether you’re hiking peaks, biking trails, fishing rivers, boating lakes, drinking locally brewed beer, shopping at downtown businesses or dining at a favorite restaurant, you want to take it all in. You do these things not only because they’re fun and they make you happy but also because, in Helena, you feel deeply connected to them. They’re yours. They mean something to you. And, when something means so much to you, it’s easy to share it in a natural, hospitable way. So, welcome to Helena. We’re glad you’re here. Let us show you around. DOWNTOWN HELENA Our downtown area rocks. In the past 5 years, we’ve gained a fantastic wine bar, a new brewery, a handful of fresh dining options, boutiques, coffee shops and more. And, the businesses that have been on Last Chance Gulch remain because of the amazing ways the businesses combine a whole lot of heart with a whole lot of quality. It’s just how you’d

6 | WWW. T H E L O C A L - H E L E N A . COM

FISH ON! Fly fishing is major in Helena. We are close to the longest river in North America, the Missouri, a main fly fishing destination and recreational site. It is home to countless caddisflies, midges, and mayflies. Fish come here to feast. In addition to the Missouri, Helena is surrounded by smaller rivers and streams that provide endless fishing possibilities. SNOW DAYS During the winter months, Great Divide Ski Area is bustling with snowboarders and downhill skiers. It is usually the very first ski area to open each year. Locally owned, Great Divide hosts many fun events and offers night skiing on Fridays which is a blast for all levels. There are also many snowshoe and cross- country ski trails surrounding Helena. Snowshoeing is a great way to take in amazing views of the mountains, get fresh air and beat the winter blues. The Helena area offers tons of options for cross country skiing as well. To name a few, the Bill Roberts golf course (great for beginners) which has mild slopes and is right in town! MacDonald and Stemple Passes are also conveniently close wilderness areas where you can really enjoy the peaceful open space of the outdoors. (Information from HIKING & BIKING Helena is also known for its extensive trail system which provides great mountain biking, hiking and trail-running. Many Helena residents boast that the trails are “in their backyard,” which is a perfect way to describe it. Helena offers over 80 miles of trails that you can access from right downtown. n

want a downtown to feel and we’re beyond lucky to have such a thriving and great example here in our town. The Historic “Last Chance Gulch” is the main street downtown. Not only is the street lined with incredible businesses up and down the entire gulch but it’s also home to Montana’s only outdoor walking mall. This means casual, unhurried strolling down historic cobblestone streets. It means kids can run freely and parents can relax. It means we have a wonderful gathering place to eat ice cream and catch up with neighbors and friends. It means great patios and outdoor dining at several spots along the way. HELENA ART SCENE Helena has a surprisingly booming art scene. The Holter Museum of Art has been gracing the community with unique exhibits since 1987. The Myrna Loy Center presents live performances and feature films every week and has been doing so since 1976. There are also many local galleries in the downtown area that feature local artists as well as nationally acclaimed artists. Whether you’re looking for a traditional western art aesthetic or more of a contemporary style, Helena galleries have got you covered. WATER, WATER, EVERYWHERE If you enjoy time on the water, Helena is the place for you! North of Helena, the Missouri River forms 3 large lakes including Canyon Ferry, Holter, and Hauser lakes. These bodies of water offer sailing, boating, and fishing in the summer as well as ice fishing in the winter. Visit the local marina to rent a paddle board and hit one of the sandy beaches on Canyon Ferry.

I N A U G U R A L I S S U E | 7

8 | WWW. T H E L O C A L - H E L E N A . COM Pictured: Taco del Sol


P H OTO B Y : J A S ON O ’ N E I L

I N A U G U R A L I S S U E | 9

Taste T H E TOWN

B A D B E T T Y ' S B A R B E C U E 812 Front Street, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 459-2303 Bad Betty’s Barbecue boldly lives up to their die-hard name in every way. From the moment you step through the door, your senses will light up, your mouth will water, and your stomach will growl. This is a deliberately small and focused operation, specializing in the smoky, the sweet, the tender. Casually kind, straightforward counter service, a spacious dining area with just the right amount of hip, warm, bbq-based pizazz, and flavor-packed meals that are delivered to your table in minutes will leave you feeling satisfied and content any day of the week. It’s like the best gourmet indoor picnic ever. LOCALS RECOMMEND: The daily special with jalapeño cornbread and coleslaw.

Pictured: Nosh Cafe

is small business at its finest- a very well-oiled machine. The workers genuinely care about getting your order right, offer daily specials with enthusiasm, and check in with you after you’ve gotten your food to make sure you love it. Which you will, trust us. All dishes are perfectly spiced, freshly made and absolutely sing with flavor. LOCALS RECOMMEND: Chips and Salsa, Prickly Pear Pale Ale, Enchiladas.

B U L L MA N ' S P I Z Z A 1130 Helena Avenue, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 443-0004 Ah, Bullman’s Pizza. From the surprisingly cozy wooden bench booths bathed in natural sunlight (and view of Mount Helena!) to the cleverly named, deliciously put together wood-fired pizza, this place is a win through and through. The service is exceptionally hospitable and not a bit stuffy or rushed. Oh, and the pizza? Perfectly flame-kissed crust topped with refreshing ingredient combinations and caramelized, bubbling cheese. They have a great beer and wine list and the main feeling here, as you glance around the room, is contentment. Much better than your average pizza joint, for sure. Their motto is: “Great pizza from our family to yours.” What’s not to love? LOCALS RECOMMEND: The Bridger Pizza (It sounds weird, but step outside your comfort zone and you wont be disappointed). K A RMA D I L LO S 139 Reeders Alley, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 442-2595 Karmadillos is a southwestern style cafe nestled at the top of Helena’s historic Reeder’s Alley in a quaint, cozy old brick building with one of the best patios in town. This unique spot overlooks Park Avenue and has a gorgeous view of Mount Ascension. Sip a cold beer, feel the sun on your face and snack on the most delicious chips and salsa in Helena. Inside things are cozy but, it usually works out just fine, seat-wise. Karmadillos is an order-at-the-counter restaurant and, even if you have to scramble or negotiate a bit to find a seat, it will be worth it. The service is definitely something to behold. One person taking orders, one person doing dishes, bussing and helping with the prep cooking and one person as the main cook. This

L A PA G R I L L 32 W 6th Avenue, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 531-1007

La Pa Grill is a refreshing new take on an old mainstay: the burrito. Let’s face it, burritos are great but wouldn’t they be even greater with funky world flavors and super fresh ingredients? That’s what La Pa Grill is all about. In addition to their stellar menu, La Pa Grill also offers really good beer and wine, and provides a warm, hip, spacious atmosphere with a TV, a sweet shuffleboard table and a great list of events and live music. It’s a refreshingly chill place to have lunch, celebrate the end of a long day or stop in and grab a bite in between weekend activities. Service is friendly and laid back, menu is very customizable and it’s even a great place to find healthy kid options and give them enough space to do their thing. LOCALS RECOMMEND: Buffalo Gypsy or Wrap of Khan with your server’s fave beer on tap. L U C C A ’ S 56 N Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 457-8311 Oh, Lucca’s. You are, by far, the special occasion destination in all of Helena. Why? The service is top-notch . The entire room is bathed in a warm, amber light. There is a candle on each table. Linen napkins and proper silverware settings. Riedel glassware. An awesome wine list. Full bar. Amazing food.

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NO SWE AT C A F E 427 N Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 442-6954 The No Sweat Cafe has been slinging out hot, from scratch, breakfast and lunch in downtown Helena for decades. The cafe is proudly old- school and it’s good to know that going in. The kitchen is tiny, one server single-handedly covers the nine tables in the dining room. At the counter, regulars sip hot coffee and chat each other up. Most people here know each other and tables converse warmly from across the room. In the background, the chopping of onions, the subtle clanging of the spatulas on the grill, the hearty laugh, and playful banter of the cooks. The menu is hand-written (not-typed) and lists clever dish names (Tibetan Toad, Ole’ Miss, Stumbo Lost Wages) and everything is absolutely made from scratch. It’s just that kind of place. All customers are treated with old- fashioned hospitality. The owners encourage folks to unplug while dining. They actively ask that you be present in the moment, savor your meal and appreciate your company. No Sweat Cafe offers a unique experience that honors Helena hometown glory. Pro tip: Cash or check only, see we told you, old-school. LOCALS RECOMMEND: Pancakes and Sausage, Huevos Rancheros, Coffee. NO S H C A F E 105 6th Avenue, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 996-1011 Nosh Cafe is a quaint little cafe specializing in waffles, gourmet toasts, intriguing “sammies” and fresh soups and salads. Decorated tastefully with just the right touch of vintage charm, you’ll find old photographs, retro kitchen tools, old-fashioned aprons, funky mismatched antique chairs and, of course, mason jars to drink from.

Everywhere you look, people are so thrilled with their meals, they’re trading bites and offering suggestions to their neighbors. The main thing here is, each table is given an ample amount of time to dine. Lucca’s most often seats by reservation only, although there are times when the lucky few manage to slip in. This means, you may have to plan in advance a little, but, once you do get a table, it is yours. You won’t feel any pressure to rush at all, ever. And, it’s best you don’t. Things are timed perfectly here, from amuse bouche to french- pressed coffee with dessert. Trust me, you’ll want to just sit back and enjoy. LOCALS RECOMMEND: Shrimp Fra Diavolo, Pork Chop with Apple and Rosemary, Tiramisu. T H E M E D I T E R R A N E A N G R I L L 42 S Park Avenue, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 495-1212 The Mediterranean Grill instantly transports you to, well, the Mediterranean from the moment you walk in the door. The walls are brightly painted and display murals of oceanic scenes with European flair. The menu offers a huge variety of traditional Mediterranean fair: think olives, hummus, baba ganoush, falafel as well as a whole host of Mediterranean inspired entrées topped with freshly chopped herbs and a dash of extra virgin olive oil. Exceptionally friendly service, a lively and entertaining open kitchen, a spacious dining room with large windows that allow plenty of natural light to pour in all combine to make this place a local gem. In the warmer months, bask in the gorgeous evening glow of the setting Montana sun while you dine. The patio here is large and gorgeous and who doesn’t love sipping wine and nibbling on fresh Mediterranean fare al fresco? LOCALS RECOMMEND: A gorgeous bottle of Italian red, Mini Lamb Brochettes, Bisara, traditional Turkish coffee with Baklava.

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Nosh Cafe has chosen to keep their focus somewhat small so they can really master what it is they offer. Whether you choose something like chicken & waffles or go with a lighter salad, you’ll be surprised by how each and every dish is perfectly seasoned and well balanced with flavor. LOCALS RECOMMEND: Pesto Chicken Sandwich or the Breakfast Sandwich. ON B R OA DWAY 106 E Broadway Street, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 443-1929 On Broadway is all the rage in Helena. Locals flock here for dinner and drinks which makes for a busy, lively atmosphere in a really unique historic setting. Upon the beautiful brick walls are giant, gorgeous paintings of serene, dreamlike Montana scenes. There is often low-key live music in the front cocktail lounge area which makes waiting for a table no problem at all. The soft, low lighting creates an intimate dining experience and the service is friendly and accommodating. On Broadway is known for their craft cocktails, fresh, made from scratch pasta dishes and their generous seafood and steak offerings. Great place for a night out with friends or a sweet little date. Pro-tip: On Broadway does not accept reservations, arrive early in the evening if you don’t want to wait for a table! LOCALS RECOMMEND: Stewed Mussels, Clams Linguine, Gorgonzola Angel Hair, Pear Martini. T H E S TAG G E R I N G OX 400 Euclid Avenue, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 443-1729 The Staggering Ox and Red Atlas have a lot going on. It’s one of the quirkiest places in Helena but super loveable all the same. One thing for sure is, you’ll always be able to order a quick, delicious, (albeit slightly strange) clubfoot sandwich and grab a table.

Pictured: Bad Betty's Barbecue

The place is huge and goes on forever. Local artwork hangs on the walls, there is a large, very interesting and unique sculpture in between the front cafe (The Staggering Ox) and the back cafe (The Red Atlas) which you just have to see for yourself. Beer, wine, espresso beverages and a smaller version of "The Ox" menu is available at The Red Atlas, which is kind of known as a spot for local creatives to gather and share. On any given night, you might stumble into a live concert or poetry reading or, you may just notice writers and artists anchored at their tables typing and sketching away in this place that is, in and of itself, some kind of masterpiece. LOCALS RECOMMEND: The Clubfoot and any local microbrew on tap. Do it! TA CO D E L S O L 21 N Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 443-3978 Taco Del Sol is conveniently located downtown, along the walking mall. It is a great place to grab a quick, quality meal. With bright, Latin- inspired decor, fast and friendly service, beer, wine, soda, house-made horchata, and even a few outside tables, Taco Del Sol is a favorite Helena spot for sure. They’re also very family friendly and make the cutest little “baby burritos” that Helena kids love! How locals do Taco Del Sol: grab burritos for the whole family (and maybe chips and queso, too). Meander on down the walking mall to Ten Mile Creek Brewery where you can eat your burritos, have a great local beer and let the kids dance to live music. Then, top it all off with a cone at Big Dipper Ice Cream. Talk about the perfect evening! LOCALS RECOMMEND: Fish Tacos or The Mission Burrito Supreme with local beef carne. The chips and queso are SO good!

Pictured: Taco del Sol

TO I ’ S T H A I 423 N Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 443-6656 Toi’s Thai serves authentic Thai cuisine in a cozy little space on Last Chance Gulch. You can smell the aroma of the spices from all the way down the block, no joke. There are not many tables, so it’s a good idea to call ahead and make a reservation when possible. The restaurant is run by young, dedicated entrepreneurs who were trained directly by Toi, the previous owner. Toi first brought the place to life decades ago with her traditional Thai cooking magic. The atmosphere is cozy, happy, friendly and lively and each dish is made to order. We are lucky to have Toi’s in Helena. If you keep an open mind and embrace sitting in a pretty small space, pretty close to your neighbors you’ll be impressed by the authentic flavors and variety of dishes happening at this vibrant little spot. LOCALS RECOMMEND: Beef Panang Curry and Tom Kha Gai Soup. Dinner at The Wassweiler is, truly, a grand experience. Once a rather run-down antique shop, the owners of The Wassweiler have clearly invested a lot of time, energy, planning and (let’s face it) money, into one of the best remodels ever. The ambiance is warm and inviting, and perfectly walks the line between rustic and modern. This place is all about detail from the carefully chosen artwork and fresh flowers to the old fashioned light switches and french-pressed coffee. Food, service, ambiance, decor- you’d be hard-pressed to find something to complain about here. The presentation of the food is gorgeous and the flavors are spot on- balanced, complimentary, unique, fresh. If you’re looking for an exquisite Montana dining experience, put The Wassweiler at the top of your list. T H E WA S SWE I L E R 4528 W US Hwy 12, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 502-1303

LOCALS RECOMMEND: Spiced Carrot Gnocchi, Pan Seared Salmon, Bruschetta. T H E W I N D B AG S A LOON 19 S Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 443-3520 The Windbag Saloon has been a staple along the walking mall for decades. Recently, it was impressively and extensively remodeled and updated into what has now become a modern, hip restaurant with a pub-like atmosphere. Some of the original architecture remains intact, brick walls, high ceilings, undeniably cool fixtures and details. And, on a Friday or Saturday night, you’ll find the place packed with people watching sports, catching up after a long week, relaxing and enjoying all “the bag” has to offer. During the warmer months, the Windbag Saloon offers an open air seating area and small patio right on the walking mall that’s tough to beat. It’s a wonderful place to spend a summer evening enjoying an outdoor dinner and cocktail with friends; soaking up the last rays of sun for the day. LOCALS RECOMMEND: Choose a burger, any burger, Bacon Wrapped Shrimp, local beer or craft cocktail with Gulch Distillers spirits. Pro tip: This spot is rich in history. Take time to read the section about Big Dorothy’s on the menu. It will make you enjoy the place even more! n R E S O U R C E S : CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO LEARN MORE! COM P L E T E L I S T O F P L A C E S TO E AT

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