is small business at its finest- a very well-oiled machine. The workers genuinely care about getting your order right, offer daily specials with enthusiasm, and check in with you after you’ve gotten your food to make sure you love it. Which you will, trust us. All dishes are perfectly spiced, freshly made and absolutely sing with flavor. LOCALS RECOMMEND: Chips and Salsa, Prickly Pear Pale Ale, Enchiladas.

B U L L MA N ' S P I Z Z A 1130 Helena Avenue, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 443-0004 Ah, Bullman’s Pizza. From the surprisingly cozy wooden bench booths bathed in natural sunlight (and view of Mount Helena!) to the cleverly named, deliciously put together wood-fired pizza, this place is a win through and through. The service is exceptionally hospitable and not a bit stuffy or rushed. Oh, and the pizza? Perfectly flame-kissed crust topped with refreshing ingredient combinations and caramelized, bubbling cheese. They have a great beer and wine list and the main feeling here, as you glance around the room, is contentment. Much better than your average pizza joint, for sure. Their motto is: “Great pizza from our family to yours.” What’s not to love? LOCALS RECOMMEND: The Bridger Pizza (It sounds weird, but step outside your comfort zone and you wont be disappointed). K A RMA D I L LO S 139 Reeders Alley, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 442-2595 Karmadillos is a southwestern style cafe nestled at the top of Helena’s historic Reeder’s Alley in a quaint, cozy old brick building with one of the best patios in town. This unique spot overlooks Park Avenue and has a gorgeous view of Mount Ascension. Sip a cold beer, feel the sun on your face and snack on the most delicious chips and salsa in Helena. Inside things are cozy but, it usually works out just fine, seat-wise. Karmadillos is an order-at-the-counter restaurant and, even if you have to scramble or negotiate a bit to find a seat, it will be worth it. The service is definitely something to behold. One person taking orders, one person doing dishes, bussing and helping with the prep cooking and one person as the main cook. This

L A PA G R I L L 32 W 6th Avenue, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 531-1007

La Pa Grill is a refreshing new take on an old mainstay: the burrito. Let’s face it, burritos are great but wouldn’t they be even greater with funky world flavors and super fresh ingredients? That’s what La Pa Grill is all about. In addition to their stellar menu, La Pa Grill also offers really good beer and wine, and provides a warm, hip, spacious atmosphere with a TV, a sweet shuffleboard table and a great list of events and live music. It’s a refreshingly chill place to have lunch, celebrate the end of a long day or stop in and grab a bite in between weekend activities. Service is friendly and laid back, menu is very customizable and it’s even a great place to find healthy kid options and give them enough space to do their thing. LOCALS RECOMMEND: Buffalo Gypsy or Wrap of Khan with your server’s fave beer on tap. L U C C A ’ S 56 N Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601 (406) 457-8311 Oh, Lucca’s. You are, by far, the special occasion destination in all of Helena. Why? The service is top-notch . The entire room is bathed in a warm, amber light. There is a candle on each table. Linen napkins and proper silverware settings. Riedel glassware. An awesome wine list. Full bar. Amazing food.

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