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T h e b u z z on

t h e s t r e e t

As Africa’s most vibrant city, Sandton is the playground for the affluent, the home of international corporate capitals, a stage for outstanding skyscrapers, as well as the route to world-class hospitality, retail and cuisine offerings. This unparalleled city scene attracts aspiring professionals, captains of industry and tourists from across the globe. You’ll be in the centre of it all as Wedgewood Sandton is strategically located along Rivonia road and has access to all that this energic city has to offer, within less than 5km from your home.

F rom Oc t obe r 2019 t o Sep t embe r 2020 - 42% o f r e c e n t p r o p e r t y b u y e r s i n S a n d t o n we r e a g e d b e t we e n 18 – 35 y e a r s .

Ov e r t h e l a s t 9 yea r s t h e popu l a t i on h a s i n c r ea s ed by 16%


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