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T h i nk
You will not find a better, more opportune moment to invest in Africa’s richest square mile. With only a R10 000 deposit and monthly bond repayments starting from R6 120; Sandton property has never been this affordable! Rental demand in the area is high, with over 62% of the sectional title properties used as rentals. As Sandton is the corporate capital of South Africa, many out-of-towners have to commute and look for rental opportunities to live closer to their workplace. The average 2-bedroom apartment in Sandton starts from R14 500 per month, which means you could be charging the same and earning R2 949 in profit each month at Wedgewood Sandton.
l ong t e rm
d e p o s i t
b ond r e payme n t s
B a lw i n L i f e s t y l e A pa r tme n t
s ta r t i ng p r i c e
r e n ta l i n c ome i n Y 1
R799 000
R10 000
R6120 *
R999 900
R10 000
R8 500
R7 675 *
R1 499 900
R10 000
R14 500
R11 551 *
* The information provided is to be used as a guide and is not a guarantee of savings or earnings. All information stated here was correct at time of printing/publishing and subject to change without notice. E&OE
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