
automotive CAECompanion1
Table of Contents4
Will AI replace CAE?6
In-house Seminars6
Seminar Guide8
automotive CAE Grand Challenge10
Crashworthy Car Body Design10
Car Body Design for Analysis Engineers12
Lightweight Design Strategies for Car Bodies12
Lightweight Design Summit14
Design of Composite Structures14
CAE Intensive Training16
Early Increase of Design Maturity of Restraint System Components16
Interior Development18
Pedestrian Protection - Development Strategies18
Functional Development: Pedestrian Protection20
PraxisConference Pedestrian Protection22
Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering22
Introduction to Fatigue Analysis24
Computational Approaches and Simulation of Progressive Damage in Composite Structural Components26
Operational Strength under Consideration of Random Loads in the FrequencyDomain28
Design for Durability - Lightweight Car Bodies and Fatigue30
NVH - Background, Practice and Simulation Methodology32
Design and Simulation of Vehicle Vibration34
Topology Optimization for Crash-loaded Structures35
Structural Optimization in Automotive Design36
(Non parametric) Structural Optimization38
Robust Design Strategies for CAE-based Virtual Prototyping in the Automotive Industry42
Robust Design - Vehicle Development under Uncertainty44
Improving Efficiency and Reducing Risk in CAE Driven Product Development46
CAE Tools48
Introduction to the Python Programming Language48
Basics: Consistent Units48
Possibilities and Limitations of Virtual-based Development using the Example of Interior Components50
THUMS Version 4 AM50 Pedestrian and Occupant Models50
Modeling of Materials & Connections52
Material Models and Failure Criteria of Glass for Crash Simulation – X-FEM52
Spot Weld Modeling for Crash Simulation56
Modeling of Joints in Crash Simulation58
Material Models for Metallic Materials58
Material Models of Metals for Crash Simulation62
Advanced Constitutive Models for Challenging Forming Simulations62
Material Models for Polymeric Materials64
Material Models of Plastics and Foams for Crash Simulation68
Material Models for FEM Analysis of Short Fibre Reinforced Plastics70
Material Models of Composites for Crash Simulation72
Material Models of Composites for Crash Simulation74
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Long-Fibre-Reinforced Plastics76
Material Parameter Identification - Reverse Engineering76
Introduction and Examples of Multiphysics Simulation80
Principles and Applications of FDM, FVM and FEM82
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method (ALE)84
Advances in Direct Time Integration Schemes for Dynamic Analysis86
Meshless Methods: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method90
Simulation of Fluid Structure Interaction92
Comparison of Notch Stresses from Elastic Plastic FEA andNeuber Approximation94
Introduction to Passive Safety of Vehicles96
Introduction to Active Safety of Vehicles98
Automotive Safety Summit Shanghai100
PraxisConference AEB|AES102
International Safety and Crash-Test Regulations102
NCAP - New Car Assessment Programs104
Passenger Cars in Low-Speed Crashes104
Crash Safety of Hybrid- and Electric Vehicles106
Development of Frontal Restraint Systems meeting Legal andConsumer Protection Requirements108
Model Based Head Injury Criteria within Industry108
Model Based Head Injury Criteria for Head Protection Optimization - SUFEHM110
Whiplash Testing and Evaluation in Rear Impacts112
Side Impact - Requirements and Development Strategies112
Head Impact on Vehicle Interiors: FMVSS 201 and UN R21114
Seminar Calendar118 - 119

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