Empowering Engineers
Computer Aided Engineering Simulation Methods Automotive Engineering SEMINARS
News, Knowledge Exchange and Networking for Experts
Functional Development Material Characterization CAE Technology
automotive CAE Companion 2018/2019
Software Solutions for Automotive Comfort
CAE Tools
CDH software offers advanced NVH analysis functionality and ef cient solutions to complex NVH problems.
Software to drastically accelerate NASTRAN, RADIOSS, OPTISTRUCT and VPS frequency response calculations.
Modeling of Materials & Connections
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√ CAE Theory
CDH AG · Despag-Straße 3 · D-85055 Ingolstadt Tel. +49 841 97481-0 ·
automotive CAE Companion
Table of Contents 6 Preface: Will AI replace CAE? 7 In-house Seminars 8 Seminar Guide Engineering 10 Conference: automotive CAE Grand Challenge 11 Seminar: Crashworthy Car Body Design for new and classic vehicle concepts 12 Seminar: Car Body Design for Analysis Engineers 13 Seminar: Lightweight Design Strategies for Car Bodies 14 Conference: Lightweight Design Summit 15 Seminar: Design of Composite Structures 16 Seminar: CAE Intensive Training Course for Automotive Engineers 17 Seminar: Early Increase of DesignMaturity of Restraint SystemComponents in the Reduced Prototype Vehicle Development Process 18 Seminar: Interior Development - Fundamentals, Materials, Design, Manufacturing 19 Seminar: Pedestrian Protection - Development Strategies 20 Wissen: Functional Development: Pedestrian Protection - Lower Leg Impact 21 Wissen: Functional Development: Pedestrian Protection - Head Impact 22 Conference: PraxisConference Pedestrian Protection 23 Conference: HumanModeling and Simulation 24 Seminar: Introduction to Fatigue Analysis 26 Wissen: Computational Approaches and Simulation of Progressive Damage in Composite Structural Components NEW 28 Wissen: Operational Strength under
Consideration of Random Loads in the Frequency Domain 30 Seminar: Design for Durability - Lightweight Car Bodies and Fatigue 32 Seminar: NVH - Background, Practice and SimulationMethodology 34 Seminar: Design and Simulation of Vehicle Vibration 35 Wissen: Topology optimization for crash- loaded structures 37 Seminar: Structural Optimization in Automotive Design - Theory and Application 38 Wissen: (Non parametric) Structural Optimization 43 Wissen: Robust Design Strategies for CAE- based Virtual Prototyping in the Automotive Industry. 45 Seminar: Robust Design - Vehicle Development under Uncertainty 46 Seminar: Improving Efficiency and Reducing Risk in CAE Driven Product Development Tools 48 Seminar: Introduction to the Python Programming Language 49 Wissen: Basics: Consistent Units 50 Seminar: Possibilities and Limitations of Virtual-based Development using the Example of Interior Components 51 Wissen: THUMS Version 4 AM50 Pedestrian and Occupant Models Modeling of Materials & Connections 52 Wissen: Material Models and Failure Criteria of Glass for Crash Simulation – X-FEM 56 Wissen: Spot WeldModeling for Crash Simulation 58 Seminar: Modeling of Joints in Crash Simulation
automotive CAE Companion
59 Wissen: Material Models for Metallic Materials 62 Seminar: Material Models of Metals for Crash Simulation 63 Wissen: Advanced ConstitutiveModels for Challenging Forming Simulations NEW 65 Wissen: Material Models for Polymeric Materials 68 Seminar: Material Models of Plastics and Foams for Crash Simulation 70 Wissen: Material Models for FEMAnalysis of Short Fibre Reinforced Plastics 72 Wissen: Material Models of Composites for Crash Simulation 74 Seminar: Material Models of Composites for Crash Simulation 76 Seminar: Static and Dynamic Analysis of Long-Fibre-Reinforced Plastics 77 Wissen: Material Parameter Identification - Reverse Engineering Theory 80 Wissen: Introduction and Examples of Multiphysics Simulation 82 Wissen: Principles and Applications of FDM, FVM and FEM 84 Wissen: Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method (ALE) 86 Wissen: Advances in Direct Time Integration Schemes for Dynamic Analysis 90 Wissen: Meshless Methods: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method 93 Wissen: Simulation of Fluid Structure Interaction 95 Wissen: Comparison of Notch Stresses from
Safety 96 Seminar: Introduction to Passive Safety of Vehicles 98 Seminar: Introduction to Active Safety of Vehicles 100 Conference: SafetyWeek 101 Conference: Automotive Safety Summit Shanghai 101 Conference: SafetyUpDate Graz 102 Conference: PraxisConference AEB | AES 103 Seminar: International Safety and Crash- Test Regulations: Current Status and Future Developments 104 Seminar: NCAP - New Car Assessment Programs: Tests, Assessment Methods, Ratings 105 Seminar: Passenger Cars in Low-Speed Crashes 106 Seminar: Crash Safety of Hybrid- and Electric Vehicles 108 Seminar: Development of Frontal Restraint Systems meeting Legal and Consumer Protection Requirements 109 Seminar: Model Based Head Injury Criteria within Industry 110 Wissen: Model Based Head Injury Criteria for Head Protection Optimization - SUFEHM 112 Seminar: Whiplash Testing and Evaluation in Rear Impacts 113 Seminar: Side Impact - Requirements and Development Strategies 114 Seminar: Head Impact on Vehicle Interiors: FMVSS 201 and UN R21 115 Seminar Registration 116 Index 117 Seminar Calendar
Elastic Plastic FEA and Neuber Approximation
automotive CAE Companion
Will AI replace CAE?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) andMachine Learning (ML) are two of the hottest buzzwords right now and are appearing daily in numer- ous articles and press releases. They are supposed to solve many problems of human kind, problems which humans don’t seem to be capable of handling, like avoiding accidents while driving a car or buying the most promising stocks. Will AI andML also help the CAE engineer? Or will they even replace the CAE engineer altogether? Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for quite some time, however even today no AI-based machine has reached human intelligence, although we are moving towards an AI that is human-like. Machine Learning (ML) is driven by the possibilities of computers to analyze huge amounts of data and create insight. Big data. But hasn’t insight creation always been the role of the engineer? AI andML have the potential to help the engineer by providing the tools to faster work through huge amounts of data, identify anomalies and eventually gain more insight. However the engineer’s role is becoming even more important: He/She has to adopt the new technologies to the specific problem. Furthermore simulation has to be used in a way that is suited for these technologies, i.e. creating big data frommany different design alternatives. Will AI replace the CAE engineer? Most likely not, as AI has not yet proven to be creative. But engineers are creative. They come up with unexpected innovative solutions all the time. And CAE remains the method of choice for validating and bringing innovations to the market. Not all intelligence is artificial. (Quote: The Economist) Our seminars and conferences provide in-depth knowledge and help to develop the capabilities to get the most out of the sim- ulation work. Furthermore the seminars will enable CAE specialists to learn how to employ the newmethods for their success. We are happy to present you the eighth edition of the automotive CAECompanion. This edition of the CAECompanion is the result of the work of many dedicated engineers from academics and industry. We would like to thank all contributors and also the advertisers. Their generous support allows us to distribute the CAECompanion free of charge to the worldwide CAE com- munity. We would like to encourage all readers, to get in touch with us if you feel you can also contribute to future editions. CAE KNOWLEDGE on 51 pages, more than 70 Seminars & Events
Alzenau, March 2018
Rainer Hoffmann President & CEO
Ralf Reuter
Dr. Dirk Ulrich
Executive Vice President
Director Sales & CAE Training
automotive CAE Companion
In-house Seminars Seminars at your site - efficient, flexible and customized
Are you looking for an individual and customized training for your employees?
„At BMWwe faced the challenge to train a large number of employees with different professional backgrounds as simulation engineers for crash and occu - pant safety. Based on their successful CAE Intensive Training program developed an individual multi week train - ing program for us. This training program combined theory, software and project training in an ideal manor. We were very pleased about the success and the pro- fessional handling of the project. We can recommend to companies that have individual and complex training needs as a partner for the design and execution of the training.“ Dr. Wolf Bartelheimer Manager Frontal Protection Small Cars BMWAG
Most of the seminars from our training program can also be booked as in-house seminars in German or English language. Whether on your com- pany site or at a venue of your choice, the scale of our in-house seminars is tailored to your needs. Your advantages You retain full cost control. We offer attractive fixed prices for our in-house seminars, depending on the number of participants and the related service.
Even for a small number of participants you can save a lot compared to the individual booking of seminars. Additionally, there are no costs for travel and time of your employees. We respect your target dates as far as possible – also upon short notice in „urgent cases“. You benefit from our professional organization and the top-quality seminar manuals. Our lecturers answer your individual questions. Even if you are interested in very specific questions – we are looking for a qualified lecturer and develop the seminar. Many of our customers have integrated our in-house seminars into their company’s training program. Take advantage of this offer, too! We will be pleased to prepare you an individual offer. Contact persons
Dr. Dirk Ulrich
Sofia Antoniadou
Tel. +49 6023 9640 66
Tel. +49 6023 9640 76
References: ACTS, AUDI, Autoform, AZOS, Bentley Motors, Bertrandt, BMW, Bosch, Brose, CATARC, Continental, CSI, Daimler, Dalphimetal, Delphi, Dura Automotive, EDAG, Faurecia, Ford, Global NCAP, Grammer, HAITEC, Honda, IAV, IDIADA, IEE, JCI, IVM, Key Safety Systems, LEAR, Magna, Mahindra &Mahindra, MBtech, MESSRING, MGA, Opel, Open Air Systems, PATAC, P+Z, SAIC, SMP, SMSC, SEAT, Siemens, TAKATA, TASS, Tata, TECOSIM, TRW, TTTech, VIF, Volkswagen, ZF. Attractive Prices With reference to our regular seminar fees we offer attractive discounts on our in-house seminars: 1 Day Seminar Discount for the 2 Day Seminar Discount
for the 50% 5 th - 8 th participant 70% 9 th - 12 th participant 75% 13 th - 16 th participant 80% 17 th - 20 th participant 85% from the 21 st participant
30% 5 th - 8 th participant 60% 9 th - 12 th participant 70% 13 th - 16 th participant 75% 17 th - 20 th participant 80% from the 21 st participant
automotive CAE Companion
Seminar Guide
Legend ► ► Seminar/Event that focusses on this topic ► ► Seminar/Event that deals with this topic (among others) Here you find the courses you need to get your job done! Haven’t found what you need? Get in touch with us! +49 6023 9640 60
Durability & Fatigue ► ► Introduction to Fatigue Analysis p. 24 ► ► Design for Durability – Lightweight Car Bodies and Fatigue p. 30 ► ► automotive CAE Grand Challenge p. 10 ► ► Lightweight Design Strategies for Car Bodies p. 13 ► ► Design and Simulation of Vehicle Vibration p. 34
Crash & Safety ► ► Crashworthy Car Body Design for new and classic vehicle concepts p. 11 ► ► Early Increase of DesignMaturity of Restraint System Components in the Reduced Prototype Vehicle Development Process p. 17 ► ► Pedestrian Protection - Development Strategies p. 19 ► ► Possibilities and Limitations of Virtual-based Development using the Example of Interior Components p. 50 ► ► Modeling of Joints in Crash Simulation p. 58 ► ► Material Models of Metals for Crash Simulation p. 62 ► ► Material Models of Plastics and Foams for Crash Simulation p. 68 ► ► Material Models of Composites for Crash Simulation p. 74 ► ► Introduction to Passive Safety of Vehicles p. 96 ► ► Introduction to Active Safety of Vehicles p. 98 ► ► International Crash-Rules and Regulations p. 99 ► ► NCAP - New Car Assessment Programs: Tests, Assessment Methods, Ratings p. 104 ► ► Passenger Cars in Low-Speed Crashes p. 105 ► ► Crash Safety of Hybrid- and Electric Vehicles p. 106 ► ► Development of Frontal Restraint Systems p. 108 ► ► Model Based Head Injury Criteria for Innovative Protection Design p. 109 ► ► Whiplash Testing and Evaluation in Rear Impacts p. 112
Sem Gui
► ► Side Impact – Requirements and Development Strategies p. 113 ► ► Head Impact on Vehicle Interiors FMVSS 201 and UN R21 p. 114 ► ► ... find many more seminars in our SAFETY COMPANION
Materials ► ► Design of Composite Structures p. 15 ► ► Material Models of Metals p. 62 ► ► Material Models of Plastics and Foams p. 63 ► ► Material Models of Composites S. 74 ► ► Static and Dynamic Analysis of Long-Fibre-Reinforced Plastics p. 76 ► ► Interior Development - Fundamentals, Materials, Design, Manufacturing p. 18 ► ► automotive CAE Grand Challenge p. 10 ► ► Lightweight Design Strategies for Car Bodies p. 13 ► ► Lightweight Design Summit p. 14
automotive CAE Companion
Car Bodies ► ► Crashworthy Car Body Design for new and classic vehicle concepts p. 11 ► ► Car Body Design for Analysis Engineers p. 12 ► ► Lightweight Design Strategies for Car Bodies p. 13 ► ► Design for Durability – Lightweight Car Bodies and Fatigue p. 30 ► ► NVH - Background, Practice and SimulationMethodology p. 32 ► ► Design and Simulation of Vehicle Vibration p. 34 ► ► Robust Design and Stochastics for Car Body Development p. 45 ► ► Lightweight Design Summit p. 14 ► ► Structural Optimization p. 37
► ► Modeling of Joints in Crash Simulation p. 58 ► ► Introduction to Passive Safety of Vehicles p. 96 ► ► Crash Safety of Hybrid- and Electric Vehicles p. 106
minar ide
NVH - Noise Vibration Harshness ► ► NVH - Background, Practice and Simulation Methodology p. 32 ► ► Design and Simulation of Vehicle Vibration p. 34 ► ► automotive CAE Grand Challenge p. 10 ► ► Car Body Design for Analysis Engineers p. 12 ► ► Robust Design and Stochastics for Car Body Development p. 45
CAEMethods & Tools ► ► CAE Intensive Training p. 16 ► ► Introduction to Fatigue Analysis p. 24 ► ► NVH - Background, Practice and SimulationMethodology p. 32 ► ► Design and Simulation of Vehicle Vibration p. 34 ► ► Structural Optimization in Automotive Design p. 37 ► ► Robust Design and Stochastics for Car Body Development p. 45 ► ► Improving Efficiency and Reducing Risk in CAE driven product development p. 46 ► ► Introduction to the Python Programming Language p. 48 ► ► Possibilities and Limitations of Virtual-based Development using the Example of Interior Components p. 50 ► ► Modeling of Joints in Crash Simulation p. 58 ► ► automotive CAE Grand Challenge p. 10
√ CAE Basics
► ► CAE Intensive Training p. 16 ► ► Possibilities and Limitations of Virtual-based Development using the Example of Interior Components p. 50
In the last 20 years computer simulation has become an indispensable tool in automotive development. Tremendous progress in software and computer technology makes it possible today to assess product and process performance before physical prototypes have been built. Despite of significant progress in simulation technology and impressive results in industrial application there remains a number of challenges which prevent a “100% digital prototyping”. We at call these Grand Challenges. 2019
Automotive CAE Grand Challenge offers a platform for dialog The automotive CAE Grand Challenge stimulates the exchange be- tween users, scientists and software developers in order to solve these challenges. Annually the current, critical challenges in automotive CAE are being identified through a survey among the simulation experts of the international automotive industry. In the conference one session is dedicated to each of the most critical challenges, the so-called Grand Challenges. In each session CAE experts from industry, research and soft- ware development will explain the importance of the individual Challenge for the virtual development process and talk about their efforts to solve the challenge. Who should attend? The conference intends bringing together industrial users, researchers and software developers to discuss these current, critical challenges of automotive CAE and to initiate collaboration between these groups to help overcoming the Grand Challenges of automotive CAE. The presentation program of the conference provides both experts and beginners valuable information for their daily work. The possibility to meet and exchange with all stakeholders of automotive CAE is a great opportunity. In the accompanying exhibition participants can receive additional information from leading companies of CAE.
16.- 17.04.2019
Congress Park Hanau, Schloßplatz 1, 63450 Hanau
980,- EUR till 19.03.2019, thereafter 1.180,- EUR
Crashworthy Car Body Design for new and classic vehicle concepts - Design, Simulation, Optimization
Course Description In the development of a car body different - sometimes con- flicting - design requirements have to be met. Depending on the intended drive unit, the fulfilling of the crash regulations is a key task. Therefore it is mandatory that designers have a good understanding of the crash behavior of mechanical structures. The combination of knowledge about mechanics and the ability to use modern design tools allows for an efficient development process without unnecessary design iterations. The objective of the seminar is to present new methods for crashworthy car body design. At the beginning of the course the mechanical phenomena of crash events will be discussed. Subsequently modern development methods (CAD design and crash simulation) will be treated. Thereafter modern implementations of safety design measures will be presented. Mathematical optimization of structural design - which is increasingly used in industry - will be covered at the end of the course. Who should attend? This 2 day course addresses designers, test and simulation engineers as well as project leaders and managers working in car body development and analysis.
Course Contents Mechanics of crash events Accelerations during collisions
Structural loading during collisions Examination of real crash events Stability problems Plasticity
Design methods
Function based design Car body design CAE conform design
Crash simulation
Finite Element modelling of a car body Finite Element analysis with explicit methods Possibilities and limitations Technical implementation of safety measures Energy absorbing members Car bodies Electric car bodies Safety systems Pedestrian protection Post crash Use of mathematical optimization procedures in real world applications Approximation techniques
Optimization software & strategies Shape and topology optimization
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Schumacher (University of Wuppertal) studied mechanical engineering at the universities of Duisburg and Aachen. He received his doctorate on structural optimization from the Uni - versity of Siegen. Following research projects for Airbus were focused on the optimization of aircraft struc - tures. Thereafter he worked in the CAE methods development department of Adam Opel AG as project lead - er for structural optimization. From 2003 - 2012 he was a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg and taught structural design, passive safety and structural optimization. Since 2012 he has been professor at the University of Wuppertal, where he holds the chair for optimization of mechanical structures.
07.-08.05.2018 69/3135
2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 09.04.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR
10.-11.09.2018 69/3136
2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 13.08.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR
Car Body Design for Analysis Engineers
Course Description In general analysis engineers have a sound knowledge on numerical methods and experience in structural analysis with the Finite Element Method. To make a valuable contribu- tion to the vehicle development process using numerical simulation, knowledge on car body design and functional layout is required. To efficiently undertake lightweight design all fundamental requirements have to be taken into account early in the design process. These requirements will be outlined in the seminar. Additionally the characteristics of the specific organization of the development process have to be incorporated. Course Objectives The objective of the seminar is to transfer the knowledge needed for an analysis engineer to play a part in vehicle development. Especially the examination of design variants of existing car bodies makes the seminar descriptive and practical. Who should attend? This 2 day seminar is aimed at analysis engineers working in the automotive industry. Course Contents Load carrying principles of lightweight design
Development process described at the example of the improvement of static properties Principal structure of the development process CAE-compatible CAD Finite Element modelling of a car body Static behaviour of the car body structure Finite Element Analysis of joints Measures for improved dynamic behavior Part dimensioning taking into account vehicle vibrations Dynamic analysis of full vehicles Measures for improved acoustic behavior Acoustic design of a car body Simulation methods Realization of safety measures Energy absorption elements Vehicle car bodies Safety systems Pedestrian protection Post crash Use of optimization methods in industrial applications Introduction into mathematical optimization Approximation techniques
Optimization software Optimization strategies Shape optimization Topology optimization
Load assumptions Design principles Technology of car body construction Car body architecture Structural materials and pre-products Material selection Manufacturing methods Joining techniques
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Schumacher (University of Wuppertal) studied mechanical engineering at the universities of Duisburg and Aachen. He received his doctorate on structural optimization from the Uni - versity of Siegen. Following research projects for Airbus were focused on the optimization of aircraft struc - tures. Thereafter he worked in the CAE methods development department of Adam Opel AG as project lead - er for structural optimization. From 2003 - 2012 he was a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg and taught structural design, passive safety and structural optimization. Since 2012 he has been professor at the University of Wuppertal, where he holds the chair for optimization of mechanical structures.
17.-18.10.2018 72/3137
2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 19.09.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR
Lightweight Design Strategies for Car Bodies
Course Description Designing and developing light weight vehicles ready for series production is becoming increasingly important. Espe- cially for fully electric vehicles with large and heavy battery packs light car bodies are indispensable. But also for other propulsion concepts lightweight is desirable. This seminar will focus on production ready vehicle concepts. Ideas taken from the extreme light weight design are integrated into the considerations. A symbiosis of the use of modern lightweight materials and the design of appropriate lightweight struc- tures leads to efficient lightweight design. This multi-disci- plinary task is only possible with development strategies that can simultaneously handle requirements of crash protection, vehicle dynamics, comfort, acoustics, durability and produc- tion of the vehicle. The aim of this seminar is to provide the competencies for the development of light vehicle structures. Who should attend? This seminar is aimed at designers, analysis engineers and project managers from car body development. Course Contents Potentials of lightweight design
Materials and their specific design rules Material selection
Acquisition of material data Steel, aluminum, magnesium Fiber composites Material mix and recycling Structures of lightweight design Space-frame structures Shell structures (beads, ribs, ...) Foams and inlays Composite sandwich structures
Related joining techniques (adhesive bonding, ...) Advanced CAE methods for lightweight design Stability (buckling, ...) Dynamics and Acoustics Fracture mechanics, multi-scale models (observation of cracks, etc.) Crash of small structures Analysis of joints Robustness analysis Optimization of shape and dimension Case studies Selected Vehicle Components
Motivation and problem definition Current lightweight vehicle concepts The "Lightweight Spiral"
Ultra-lightweight vehicle concepts Vehicle concepts for mass production
Principles of lightweight design Definition of requirements Determination of design loads
Principal design rules Approaches of bionics Fail-safe, safe life, damage tolerance Methodical concept finding (architecture, topology)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Schumacher (University of Wuppertal) studied mechanical engineering at the universities of Duisburg and Aachen. He received his doctorate on structural optimization from the Uni - versity of Siegen. Following research projects for Airbus were focused on the optimization of aircraft struc - tures. Thereafter he worked in the CAE methods development department of Adam Opel AG as project lead - er for structural optimization. From 2003 - 2012 he was a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg and taught structural design, passive safety and structural optimization. Since 2012 he has been professor at the University of Wuppertal, where he holds the chair for optimization of mechanical structures.
21.-22.03.2019 127/3263
2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 21.02.2019, thereafter 1.540,- EUR
The »Automobil Industrie« - Lightweight Design Summit is the high- class networking event for trendsetters in lightweight design in the automotive industry. Meet OEMs and suppliers on 26./27. March 2019 at the Vogel Convention Center inWürzburg, Germany. Keynotes and expert presentations, technical sessions and live demonstrations highlight the importance of lightweighting for the future of the automotive industry. Discussions about innovative ideas and the networking between experts fromOEMs and suppliers are at the core of the Light Weight Design Summit. Who should attend? The Automobil Industrie Light Weight Design Summit is the plat- form for the communication between OEMs and suppliers. The summit addresses the technical management/CEO level of OEMs and suppliers, the purchasing management, heads of development and design, project engineers, innovation managers and materials specialists.
Vogel Convention Center, Würzburg
German with simultaneous translation into English
Design of Composite Structures
Course Description Since the mass is one of the main factors influencing the fuel consumption of vehicles, increasing demands to reduce energy usage and CO2 emissions, force the automotive industry to consider the use of alternative designs and new materials. Composite materials have proven their potential to reduce the weight of structures in many applications (e.g. aerospace and motorsports). As composites have a special set-up and behave completely different than traditional ma- terials, engineers must learn how to employ these materials to take advantage of their special characteristics in the design of vehicle structures. In the seminar real world examples are used to create a basic understanding of designing composite structures. Then the theoretical and practical foundations of composite design are explained. Course Objectives After participating in the seminar participants are able to design and develop composite structures. They understand the specific requirements of composite structures and the related design concepts. In the seminar special attention is directed to the concurrent consideration of loading, design and manufacturing related requirements. Accordingly, the different designs - integral, differential, fully laminated and sandwich - are addressed. The seminar also provides knowledge about preliminary design and FE analysis based on classical laminate theory.
Who should attend? This seminar is especially designed for engineers and technicians who work in the development departments of automotive manufacturers, suppliers and engineering service providers and deal with the design and development of composite components.
Course Contents Introduction
Elastic behavior of composites Failure of composite materials Mechanics of composite materials and structures Joining technologies for composites Design of composite structures Fatigue and strength of composites
Dr. Roland Hinterhölzl (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria) is heading the Pro- fessorship Composite Materials and the study degree program “Lightweight Design and Composite Materi- als” at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. From 2010 to 2016 he was head of the numerical simulation department of the Institute for Carbon Composites at the Technical University of Munich. The fo - cus of his work is on process simulation and structural analysis for the automotive and aviation industries. Dr. Hinterhölzl received his doctorate in 2000 at the University of Innsbruck on the simulation of the time-depen - dent behavior of composite materials, after he had spent several months at the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin and CRREL (USA). Subsequently, he developed innovative composite components at the aerospace supplier FACC AG and headed the structur - al analysis department.
10.-11.04.2018 135/3037
2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 13.03.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR
24.-25.09.2018 135/3106
2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 27.08.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR
Become a CAE Specialist in 3½Weeks Intensive Training Course for Automotive Engineers
Content, Duration, Software The contents of the training and the software used can be adapted to individual customer needs. Through the adapta- tion of the content the training can be made to ideally fit the framework of the customer. At BMW, we had been facing the challenge to train a larger group of employees with very different backgrounds to become simulation engineers for crash and occupant simulation. has - based on their proven CAE intensive training - developed a unique, multi-week training scheme, which has linked in ideal way theory, software and project training. We were very satisfied with the success of the action and the professional execution of this large training project. We can recommend carhs. training to companies that have individual and complex training requirements as a partner for the conception and implementation of large training programs. Dr. Wolf Bartelheimer, Head frontal protection small cars BMWAG Your Benefits Our goal is to train newcomers and job changers in the shortest time possible to become simulation engineers in the automotive industry. Participants benefit from the practical experience of the trainers and exercises from industrial practice. For the employer, our CAE intensive training is undoubtedly the most efficient way to train new simulation engineers: it is focused and fast, and binds no other employees of the company. Dates and prices upon request and subject to individual agreement with each customer.
In cooperation with experts from industry, engineering, research, software development, universities and our partner company TecosimGmbH, offers an unique intensive training as a basic training for structural analysis engineers in automotive development. The training covers the areas of statics, dynamics and NVH, as well as crash and occupant simulation. The contents can be adapted to the needs of the customer. Focused on the Industrial Development Process The training program puts the theoretical background, the mastering of the industrial CAE processes and the use of numerical simulation in automobile development in the foreground. Therefore, in this training a complete CAE driven development process - from the compilation of the specifica- tions to the editing of the final reporting - is reproduced. Software Training The professional handling of current simulation software is part of the training, but not the main objective of it. Skilled analysis engineer must be able to use common software tools, but only well-founded expertise and knowledge of modern development processes and methods will allow to successfully contribute to vehicle development. Basics - Tools –Methods As part of this intensive training the participants will refresh the theory of numerical simulation and will learn to profes- sionally use popular simulation software such as ABAQUS, NASTRAN, OptiStruct, LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH and pre-and post-processors such as HYPERMESH, ANSA and Animator within vehicle development. Ideal Learning Environment The training takes place in our modern training facilities in Alzenau, Cologne, Munich and Ruesselsheim or directly at the customer’s site. For the duration of the course powerful notebooks are provided free of charge allowing the partic- ipants to deepen theory and practice outside the course hours. Trainers from Simulation Practice The trainers are experts from universities and research institutes, the software manufacturers and experienced engi- neers from our partner company Tecosimwho daily perform industrial simulation projects and are familiar with the real challenges of simulation in automotive development.
In collaboration with:
Early Increase of DesignMaturity of Restraint SystemComponents in the Reduced Prototype Vehicle Development Process
Course Description The number of hardware prototypes available for the devel- opment of restraint systems and restraint system compo- nents is declining steadily due to an increasing cost pressure in automotive development. In the project schedule the availability of hardware (restraint system components and / or vehicle environments) shifts to the late vehicle develop- ment phases. As a result, ensuring the required degree of ma- turity of restraint system components, in addition to the sole functional development of seatbelts and airbag, necessitates new strategies and development paths. In this seminar, current risks in the development of seatbelts and airbags are addressed and ideas for the early increase of maturity are elucidated. This is done by explaining the link between milestones in the development schedule, the functional requirements of restraint system components, the development duration of restraint system components and the description of approaches for the creation of substitutes of vehicle environments in the early development process. In addition the project schedules of conventional vehicle de- velopment processes and prototype-reduced development processes of base line models and derivatives are shown. Interactions of the development of seatbelts and airbags with surrounding components (e.g. trim parts) are also discussed. Course Objectives The course provides thoughts and ideas for a successful approach in the development of restraint systems within vehicle development processes in which only a small number of prototypes are available for verification and optimization of the systems.
Who should attend? The seminar is aimed at engineers and project managers of restraint systems and restraint system components develop- ment, as well as heads of teams or departments in the field of passive safety, which want to gain, in addition to the pure functional development of restraint systems, an overview of the requirements of the prototype-reduced restraint system development with regard to achieving and ensuring the necessary degree of maturity of belts and airbags. Course Contents Overview and differences of vehicle development schedules Standard project schedule Prototype-reduced development of lead series Prototype-reduced development of derivatives Safety belts Examples of requirements for safety belts Prerequisites and timing for functional development Timing for homologation and certification Ideas / possibilities for creating vehicle environments Interactions with surrounding components Airbags Examples of requirements for airbags
Prerequisites and timing for functional development Ideas / possibilities for creating vehicle environments Interactions with surrounding components
Sandro Hübner (EDAG Engineering GmbH) studied mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden. After completing his studies he worked as an engineer in the FEM laboratory of Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences. From 2003 he worked as a cae engineer for occupant safety at EASi Engineering GmbH. In 2006, he moved to EDAG Engineering GmbH as a cae engineer for vehicle safe- ty and has been project manager for vehicle safety and CAE since 2013.
08.10.2018 166/3107
1 Day
740,- EUR till 10.09.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR
Interior Development - Fundamentals, Materials, Design, Manufacturing
Course Description In the last decades an increasing use of plastics is observed in car industry. The range of materials and functionality increas- es and high-quality plastics more and more find their way into the automobile. The goal to reduce CO2 emissions and the related lightweight design make it necessary in many areas to use plastics. In consideration of qualitative and quantitative material selection and the economic superiority of most man- ufacturing processes for plastic components, the seminar provides an overview of plastics and their applications. The seminar illustrates the subject, in many parts with workshop character, in two days, with fundamentally different focuses: Part 1: Basics of Plastics - physics, chemistry and application technology, in industry and in the automobile. Processes for Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling, as well as the processes of mass manufacturing, such as injection molding and blow molding, are discussed. Day 1 ends with a workshop in which, based on practical examples, functionality and choice of materials are treated. Part 2: Plastics in Automotive Interiors deals with the use of plastics in automotive interiors and their properties. Interior components are subject to many requirements, ranging from the design appearance, look and touch and ergonomics to production and assembly. The second part explains what is being done at various stages of the interior development process. Using the example of the cockpit and the cockpit module, the materials and processes used are discussed. Due to the complexity of the topic a lot of real components are shown and their properties are discussed. If desired, components from among the participants can be consid- ered and their suitability for a specific application can be discussed. Practical exercises consolidate what participants
have learned.
Course Objectives The aim of the seminar is to provide the necessary skills for the design of vehicle interior components and modules. This includes in particular the choice of materials, the design and manufacturing processes. Who should attend? The seminar is aimed at engineers, technicians and managers who are planning and controlling interior development proj- ects. The focus of the seminar is on the cockpit module. Course Contents Basics of Plastics Plastics in automotive engineering Designing with plastics Processing Technologies Workshop Plastics in Automotive Interior From the perspective of the OEM - requirements From the perspective of the component manufacturer – material From the perspective of the module supplier - system integration
Timo Baumgärtner (csi entwicklungstechnik GmbH) studied process engineering at the FH Mannheim. Since 1997 he has worked in various development functions in the automotive sector. Through - out his professional career, he worked intensively on ergonomics, vehicle safety, manufacturing and assembly processes of plastic components for car interiors. He has worked at OEMs as well as for tier 1 and 2 suppliers. Currently he is working at csi entwicklungstechnik GmbH. Here he is responsible for projects of a sports car manufacturer in the interior area (Cockpit, center consoles, door panels, greenhouse, etc.).
23.-24.04.2018 160/3033
2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 26.03.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR
18.-19.09.2018 160/3103
2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 21.08.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR
Pedestrian Protection - Development Strategies
Course Description Euro NCAP annually adjusts details in its pedestrian rating protocols and even U.S. NCAP plans to introduce a pedestrian protection assessment. Stricter injury criteria, modified testing areas and the testing of vehicles that were previously not tested because of their weight, require the thorough knowledge of the requirements and a strict implementation of the requirements in the development process. In the introduction the seminar informs about the different impactors that are used for pedestrian safety testing. There- after the various requirements (regulations and consumer tests) are explained and compared. The focus of the seminar is on the development strategy: Which decisions have to be taken in which development phase?What are the tasks and priorities of the person in charge of pedestrian protection? As a background, ideas and approaches towards the design of a vehicle front end in order to meet the pedestrian protection requirements are discussed. In addition to that, the seminar explains how the function of active bonnets can be proven by means of numer- ical simulation. This includes both, the pedestrian detection that need to be proven with various impactors or human models, as well as the proof that the bonnet is fully deployed at the time of impact. Who should attend? The seminar is intended for development, project or simula- tion engineers working in the field of vehicle safety, dealing with the design of motor vehicles with regard to pedestrian protection.
Course Contents Introduction with an overview of current requirements regarding pedestrian protection Legal requirements (EU, UN Regulations, Japan, GTR) Consumer tests (Euro NCAP, U.S. NCAP, JNCAP, KNCAP) Presentation and discussion of the design and application of the impactors Leg Impactors (Flex PLI, Upper Legform) Head Impactors (Child head, Adult head) Methods in numerical simulation, testing and system development Requirements on the design of vehicle front ends for pedestrian protection Development strategy
Interaction between simulation and testing Integration in the vehicle development process Solutions to fulfill the requirements Passive solutions Active solutions (active bonnets, airbags)
Maren Finck ( gmbh) is a Project Manager at gmbh. From 2008 - 2015 she worked at EDAG as a project manager responsible for passive vehicle safety. Previously, she worked sev- eral years at carhs GmbH and TECOSIM as an analysis engineer with a focus on pedestrian safety and biome- chanics.
03.09.2018 152/3155
1 Day
740,- EUR till 06.08.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR
15.10.2018 152/3112 Gaimersheim 1 Day
740,- EUR till 17.09.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR
Engineering WISSEN CAE
Functional Development: Pedestrian Protection - Lower Leg Impact
Requirements/Critical Target Values: UN R127: Impactor:
Flex PLI Legform Impactor (valid from 9/2017) 40 km/h (11.1 m/s), 0°, 75 mm over ground
Test Conditions:
Criteria: Tibia Bending Moment
< 340 Nm (up to 264 mm: 380 Nm)
MCL Elongation
< 22 mm < 13 mm
ACL/PCL Elongation
Euro NCAP Impactor:
Flex PLI Legform Impactor
Test Conditions:
40 km/h (11.1 m/s), 0°, 75 mm over ground
maximum Score
0 Points
Tibia Bending Moment
< 282 Nm < 19 mm < 10 mm
≥ 340 Nm ≥ 22 mm ≥ 10 mm
MCL Elongation
ACL/PCL Elongation
Procedures: Use of full vehicle models (impact area: detailed models of all components; motor package can be rigid) High detailing for bumper, radiator, grill, optional accessories (head light cleaning system, parking sensors etc.) Proper material characterization for plastic parts is required incl. failure definition Connection modeling is highly significant (clips, sliding components) Use of validated impactor model Typical simulation duration: 40 ms (up tp complete rebound→ legform impactor completely separated from vehicle) Critical Modeling Parameters: Strain rate dependency of materials in the impact area Details of spatial discretization Evaluation Criteria: Tibia Bending Moment MCL Elongation ACL/PCL Elongation For the optimization: Plot the above criteria vs. displacement to identify jamming Main Influencing Factors: Geometry of vehicle front (impact points, impact behavior) Material stiffness at impact point (potential for optimization) Stiffness of geometrical package Clearance between outer bumper shell and bumper beam (minimum 80 mm, filled with energy-absorbing foam or deformation elements) No jamming elements (e.g. parking sensors) should be placed directly in front of the bumper beam Homogeneous support of the impactor along the full vehicle width is required. Sharp stiffness gradient should be avoided.
Engineering WISSEN CAE
Functional Development: Pedestrian Protection - Head Impact
Requirements/Critical Target Values: UN R127: Impactors:
3.5 kg & 4.5 kg (Phase 2) Headform Impactor
Test Conditions & Criteria:
Phase 2
Child/Small Adult
3.5 kg / 35 km/h (9.7 m/s) / 50° BLE/WAD 1000 - WAD 1700 / Bonnet rear edge 4.5 kg / 35 km/h / 65° WAD 1700 - Bonnet rear edge/WAD 2100 < 1000 (1/2 of the Child head impact area AND 2/3 of the total impact area) <1700 (remaining area)
Adult HIC 15
Euro NCAP: Impactors:
3.5 kg & 4.5 kg Headform Impactor
Test Conditions:
Child/Small Adult 3.5 kg / 40 km/h (11.1 m/s) / 50° BLE/WAD 1000 - WAD 1500 Adult 4.5 kg / 40 km/h (11.1 m/s) / 65° WAD1500 -WAD2100 (if points betweenWAD1500 and1700 areonbonnet, use childhead)
maximum Score
0 Points
HIC 15
< 650
≥ 1700
Procedures: Use of full vehicle models (impact area: detailed models of all components; engine package can be rigid) High detailing for bonnet attachments, hinges, locks, sealing structures, bonnet shock damper, head light attachments, windshield wiper assemblies Connection modeling is highly significant (spot welds, adhesives etc.) Use of validated material model for windshield failure
Use of validated impactor model Typical simulation duration: 20 ms Critical Modelling Parameters: Strain rate dependency of materials in the impact area Details of spatial discretization Evaluation Criteria: Head Injury Criterion (HIC 15 ) For the optimization: use of acceleration - displacement diagrams to identify jamming Main Influencing Factors:
Geometry of vehicle front (impact points, impact behavior) Material stiffness at impact point (potential for optimization) Stiffness of geometrical package (sheet metal thickness, structural reinforcements in direction of impact, inlays, application of adhesives) Clearance between bonnet outer shell and package (min. 60 - 80 mm free displacement required, otherwise an active bonnet should be considered) No jamming elements (e.g. bonnet shock dampers, wiper axles) should be packaged directly in the impact area Homogenous support of the impactor along the full bonnet/vehicle width is required (e.g. muffin-like structure for the bonnet inner shell). Sharp stiffness gradient should be avoided.
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