PraxisConference Autonomous Emergency Braking and Steering ! The PraxisConference AEB|AES focuses on technical development and testing details of safety-related driver assistance systems, like emergency brake assist and autonomous eva- sive steering. First of all, leading experts in the field of requirements and technical solutions present the facts you need to develop and approve AEB/AES systems in accordance with state- of-the-art science and technology. This includes current and upcoming requirements, ve- hicle presentations, development strategies as well as the question of the responsibility for consequences caused by mistakes of an autonomous driving function. Furthermore, the conference deals with heavy commercial vehicles, for which AEB systems are already mandatory. The 2018 PraxisConference AEB|AES will include a visit on a proving ground for driver assis- tance systems. The second conference day, called “DemoDay”, will offer practical sessions on the proving ground. Test equipment, such as targets, driving robots, GPS-technologies and control software, will be demonstrated and explained in detail. The preparation, execu- tion and analysis of AEB/AES tests will be shown in live demonstrations. For our participants this offers the opportunity to view the systems under test conditions, clarify their questions and get an overview of test conditions for cars and heavy commercial vehicles. Conference Topics: Legal and consumer protection requirements Best practice: testing and simulation Outlook on the development process for autonomous evasive steering and driving Vehicle technology: introduction of up-to-date driver assistance systems Test equipment: targets, driving robots, control and measurement software Who should attend? The PraxisConference AEB|AES addresses everyone, who works in the field of safety-re- lated driver assistance systems. If you want to improve your network, you will meet inter- esting conversation partners with development, system integration, regulation and testing backgrounds.
20.- 21. September 2018
25.-26. October 2018
Schlüsselfeld, Germany
Changzhou, China
German with translation into English
English / Chinese with translation
1.450,- EUR till 23.08.2018, thereafter 1.690,- EUR
from 3.500 RMB
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