

Passenger Cars in Low-Speed Crashes

Course Description In addition to the design of car structures for the protection of its occupants at high impact velocities, requirements and test procedures for collisions at low speeds, which massively influence the design of the vehicle front, were brought to the fore in recent years. For the initial insurance classification of passenger cars clas- sification tests of RCAR / AZT (impact speed up to 15 km/h) are used to determine standardized repair costs. To meet the insurance classification tests, many vehicles are equipped with cross member systems that feature energy absorbing el- ements (crash boxes), that can be connected via a detachable connection to the longitudinal members in the vehicle front. Additional partly conflicting requirements are added through the EC Regulation 78/2009/EC and the NCAP tests for pedestrian protection. Compliance with the directive in the leg impact area is usually achieved by energy absorption in conjunction with a targeted support of the impacting leg in the immediate front area of the vehicle. In connection with the design of vehicles for the different requirements, numerous conflicts occur, which often can only be solved at the expense of a non-optimum front end package or increased weight and manufacturing costs. Additional requirements regarding the design of the vehicle front result from legislation for vehicle protection (UN R42, ...) and internal testing procedures of the manufacturer for ensuring management of everyday damages for his vehicles. Course Objectives In this seminar, you first get an overview on the require- ments and regulations which have an impact on the design of cars for the various low-speed crash constellations. This is followed by a presentation of current energy management in the front body structure and an introduction of technical solutions. Based on the state of the art approaches of integral safety are discussed. Using interactive visualization of driving maneuvers, possibilities and limits of safety concepts, using

e.g. pre-crash sensors and which could be implemented in the future, are discussed. Who should attend? The seminar is aimed at specialists from passenger car and light commercial vehicle development, engineers and tech- nicians from simulation and testing, project engineers and managers who want to get an overview of the requirements and technological solutions for the development of passive and integrated safety systems for passenger cars in low- speed crash. Course Contents „ „ Requirements and test procedures for low-speed crash „ „ Introduction to the requirements for low-speed crash tests „ „ Legal tests „ „ Consumer protection tests „ „ Other requirements „ „ Energy management and structural forces in the vehicle front „ „ Load paths and structure loading „ „ Connections to high-speed test „ „ Workshop for analyzing crash data and the impact of structural design changes „ „ Changes of structural design „ „ Influence of crash sensing and restraint systems „ „ Design of passive systems „ „ Conceptual solution approaches „ „ Methods for system design „ „ Conflicts of objectives „ „ Technological feasibility and limits „ „ Discussion of integral safety systems „ „ Simulation of driving maneuvers and time – distance considerations

„ „ Potential of integrated solutions „ „ Technological feasibility and limits

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bachem (Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences) has been in charge of teaching and research in vehicle safety at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences since 2011. Prior to joining the university he held various management positions in industry where he was in charge of develop - ment and testing of vehicle safety functions. His last management position was head of cab body develop - ment at MAN Truck & Bus AG. Prof. Bachem is chairman of VDI Brunswick and vice chairman of the Wolfsburg Institute for Research, Development and Technology Transfer e.V.







25.10.2018 159/3100


1 Day

740,- EUR till 27.09.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR



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