Lightweight Design Strategies for Car Bodies
Course Description Designing and developing light weight vehicles ready for series production is becoming increasingly important. Espe- cially for fully electric vehicles with large and heavy battery packs light car bodies are indispensable. But also for other propulsion concepts lightweight is desirable. This seminar will focus on production ready vehicle concepts. Ideas taken from the extreme light weight design are integrated into the considerations. A symbiosis of the use of modern lightweight materials and the design of appropriate lightweight struc- tures leads to efficient lightweight design. This multi-disci- plinary task is only possible with development strategies that can simultaneously handle requirements of crash protection, vehicle dynamics, comfort, acoustics, durability and produc- tion of the vehicle. The aim of this seminar is to provide the competencies for the development of light vehicle structures. Who should attend? This seminar is aimed at designers, analysis engineers and project managers from car body development. Course Contents Potentials of lightweight design
Materials and their specific design rules Material selection
Acquisition of material data Steel, aluminum, magnesium Fiber composites Material mix and recycling Structures of lightweight design Space-frame structures Shell structures (beads, ribs, ...) Foams and inlays Composite sandwich structures
Related joining techniques (adhesive bonding, ...) Advanced CAE methods for lightweight design Stability (buckling, ...) Dynamics and Acoustics Fracture mechanics, multi-scale models (observation of cracks, etc.) Crash of small structures Analysis of joints Robustness analysis Optimization of shape and dimension Case studies Selected Vehicle Components
Motivation and problem definition Current lightweight vehicle concepts The "Lightweight Spiral"
Ultra-lightweight vehicle concepts Vehicle concepts for mass production
Principles of lightweight design Definition of requirements Determination of design loads
Principal design rules Approaches of bionics Fail-safe, safe life, damage tolerance Methodical concept finding (architecture, topology)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Schumacher (University of Wuppertal) studied mechanical engineering at the universities of Duisburg and Aachen. He received his doctorate on structural optimization from the Uni - versity of Siegen. Following research projects for Airbus were focused on the optimization of aircraft struc - tures. Thereafter he worked in the CAE methods development department of Adam Opel AG as project lead - er for structural optimization. From 2003 - 2012 he was a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg and taught structural design, passive safety and structural optimization. Since 2012 he has been professor at the University of Wuppertal, where he holds the chair for optimization of mechanical structures.
21.-22.03.2019 127/3263
2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 21.02.2019, thereafter 1.540,- EUR
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