

Design of Composite Structures

Course Description Since the mass is one of the main factors influencing the fuel consumption of vehicles, increasing demands to reduce energy usage and CO2 emissions, force the automotive industry to consider the use of alternative designs and new materials. Composite materials have proven their potential to reduce the weight of structures in many applications (e.g. aerospace and motorsports). As composites have a special set-up and behave completely different than traditional ma- terials, engineers must learn how to employ these materials to take advantage of their special characteristics in the design of vehicle structures. In the seminar real world examples are used to create a basic understanding of designing composite structures. Then the theoretical and practical foundations of composite design are explained. Course Objectives After participating in the seminar participants are able to design and develop composite structures. They understand the specific requirements of composite structures and the related design concepts. In the seminar special attention is directed to the concurrent consideration of loading, design and manufacturing related requirements. Accordingly, the different designs - integral, differential, fully laminated and sandwich - are addressed. The seminar also provides knowledge about preliminary design and FE analysis based on classical laminate theory.

Who should attend? This seminar is especially designed for engineers and technicians who work in the development departments of automotive manufacturers, suppliers and engineering service providers and deal with the design and development of composite components.

Course Contents „ „ Introduction

„ „ Elastic behavior of composites „ „ Failure of composite materials „ „ Mechanics of composite materials and structures „ „ Joining technologies for composites „ „ Design of composite structures „ „ Fatigue and strength of composites

Dr. Roland Hinterhölzl (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria) is heading the Pro- fessorship Composite Materials and the study degree program “Lightweight Design and Composite Materi- als” at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. From 2010 to 2016 he was head of the numerical simulation department of the Institute for Carbon Composites at the Technical University of Munich. The fo - cus of his work is on process simulation and structural analysis for the automotive and aviation industries. Dr. Hinterhölzl received his doctorate in 2000 at the University of Innsbruck on the simulation of the time-depen - dent behavior of composite materials, after he had spent several months at the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin and CRREL (USA). Subsequently, he developed innovative composite components at the aerospace supplier FACC AG and headed the structur - al analysis department.







10.-11.04.2018 135/3037


2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 13.03.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR


24.-25.09.2018 135/3106


2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 27.08.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR


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