Pedestrian Protection - Development Strategies
Course Description Euro NCAP annually adjusts details in its pedestrian rating protocols and even U.S. NCAP plans to introduce a pedestrian protection assessment. Stricter injury criteria, modified testing areas and the testing of vehicles that were previously not tested because of their weight, require the thorough knowledge of the requirements and a strict implementation of the requirements in the development process. In the introduction the seminar informs about the different impactors that are used for pedestrian safety testing. There- after the various requirements (regulations and consumer tests) are explained and compared. The focus of the seminar is on the development strategy: Which decisions have to be taken in which development phase?What are the tasks and priorities of the person in charge of pedestrian protection? As a background, ideas and approaches towards the design of a vehicle front end in order to meet the pedestrian protection requirements are discussed. In addition to that, the seminar explains how the function of active bonnets can be proven by means of numer- ical simulation. This includes both, the pedestrian detection that need to be proven with various impactors or human models, as well as the proof that the bonnet is fully deployed at the time of impact. Who should attend? The seminar is intended for development, project or simula- tion engineers working in the field of vehicle safety, dealing with the design of motor vehicles with regard to pedestrian protection.
Course Contents Introduction with an overview of current requirements regarding pedestrian protection Legal requirements (EU, UN Regulations, Japan, GTR) Consumer tests (Euro NCAP, U.S. NCAP, JNCAP, KNCAP) Presentation and discussion of the design and application of the impactors Leg Impactors (Flex PLI, Upper Legform) Head Impactors (Child head, Adult head) Methods in numerical simulation, testing and system development Requirements on the design of vehicle front ends for pedestrian protection Development strategy
Interaction between simulation and testing Integration in the vehicle development process Solutions to fulfill the requirements Passive solutions Active solutions (active bonnets, airbags)
Maren Finck ( gmbh) is a Project Manager at gmbh. From 2008 - 2015 she worked at EDAG as a project manager responsible for passive vehicle safety. Previously, she worked sev- eral years at carhs GmbH and TECOSIM as an analysis engineer with a focus on pedestrian safety and biome- chanics.
03.09.2018 152/3155
1 Day
740,- EUR till 06.08.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR
15.10.2018 152/3112 Gaimersheim 1 Day
740,- EUR till 17.09.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR
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