
Modeling of Materials & Connections

Material Models of Metals for Crash Simulation

Course Description Besides an appropriate spatial discretisation of the structure and a profound knowledge of the required load cases, ap- propriate material modelling is a key ingredient for predictive crash simulations. The load carrying structure of a car today still mainly consists of metallic materials. The materials to be described are diverse.

Who should attend? The course addresses engineers working in the field of crash simulation and heads of simulation departments interested in the important topic of material modelling. Course Contents „ „ Overview of metallic materials used in cars „ „ Influence of material structure on mechanical behavior „ „ Phenomenological material models for metals „ „ Overview of experimental methods for material characterization „ „ Identification of material parameters from experiments „ „ Discussion of the sensitivity material parameters

The seminar deals with the following materials: „ „ mild and high strength steels, „ „ cold formable AHSS and UHSS steels, „ „ hot formable and quenchable boron steels, „ „ wrought Al andMg alloys, „ „ cast Al andMg alloys.

The objective of this 1 day course is to give the participants an overview of material models of metals used in crash simulation. In a first step the deformation behavior and the failure mechanisms of each material class are explained based on the material structure. The influence of strain rate on material behavior is an important aspect in the context of crash simulation and will be discussed in the seminar. In a second step phenomenological material models for crash simulation are introduced. In the third step the tests needed for the characterization of materials are described and the parameter identification for the material models is discussed. Finally and using example simulations the sensitivity of sim- ulation results regarding the identified material parameters is shown.

Dr.-Ing. Helmut Gese (MATFEM - Partnerschaft Dr. Gese & Oberhofer ) founded the engi- neering consultancy MATFEM in 1993 (from 1999 the company has been named MATFEM partnership Dr. Gese & Oberhofer). MATFEM offers technical and scientific consultancy services at the intersection of mate - rial science and finite element methods. Besides performing FEM analysis projects the area of activity covers experimental and theoretical characterization of materials and the development of new material models for simulation.










1 Day

740,- EUR till 26.04.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR





1 Day

740,- EUR till 13.09.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR


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