
Modeling of Materials & Connections

Material Models of Composites for Crash Simulation

Course Description Increasing demands for weight reduction paralleled by requirements for improved crash performance and stiffness of structures have strongly pushed the development of advanced composites. The use of composite materials today is not limited to niche applications or secondary parts; they are increasingly used for important load carrying structural components in series production. In this one day seminar Prof. Thomas Karall presents the foundations of structural impact and crash analysis of com- posites with the Finite Element Method. At the beginning of the seminar an overview of current and upcoming industrial applications of composite materials is given. Thereafter con- cepts for the correct physical modeling of the complex load degradation and failure mechanisms in numerical simulation are presented. The course concentrates on the numerical simulation of the crash behavior of composites and is accom- panied with demonstrations using the PAM-CRASH code. Who should attend? The course addresses simulation and project engineers, proj- ect managers as well as researchers involved in the analysis and design of composite parts and structures.

Course Contents „ „ Current and upcoming areas of application of composite materials „ „ Analysis of composite materials „ „ Available material models and their application „ „ Modelling methods for plies and laminates „ „ FEMmodelling of composites

„ „ Failure mechanisms and their representation „ „ PAM-CRASH ply and delamination models „ „ Necessary material tests „ „ Examples

Prof. Dr. Thomas Karall (Hof University of Applied Sciences) studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Vienna and received his PhD as Assistant Professor at the University of Leoben in the field of fibre-reinforced plastics and the calculation by finite elements. From 2006 to 2010 he was head of department at the Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology in Vienna in the field of me - chanical and thermal testing / fibre composites, and Secretary General of the Austrian Working Group for reinforced plastics. From 2010 to 2015 he worked as Lead Researcher for lightweight design at Virtual Vehicle Research Center in Graz. He was also a lecturer at the Technical University of Graz and lecturer at the FH Jo- anneum Graz. Since 2015 he has been Professor at the Engineering Department of the Hof University. His areas of work include lightweight design, fibre-reinforced composites and the finite element method.










1 Day

740,- EUR till 29.08.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR



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