

Examples of Applications The pictures below give a brief but not exhaustive overview of the basic ranges of application of the SPHmethod: Hypervelocity impact: This is a typical application where matter behaves like a fluid under the extreme pressures generated during hypervelocity impact. A full 3D simulation is an ideal application fo SPH due to the large material phase and state changes (solid-liquid-gaz, fragment clouds etc.)

Figure 4: Airbus A321 Splashdown (courtesy of EC project CRAHVI) Natural Hazzards: Excessive marine phenomena like tsunamis imply very strong FSI simulation requirements in terms of capability, functionality and computatuional efficiency due to the complexity and size of the problems in question. The SPH option in VPS is fully parallelized in DMP and can be used within theMulti Scale Option of VPS (Multi-Model Coupling). The images below show typical tsunami simulations regarding the effect upon a Liquid Natural Gas tank and the flooding of a building. Critical information can be gathered in terms of the strength of the associated structures or the survival time window the infrastructure has in a given scenario.

Figure 2: Double bumper penetration at 11 km/s by a cylindrical projectile (Courtesy of ESA) Vulnerability analysis: In aeronautics this involves primarily birdstrike, hail strike etc. Birstrike is in particular well adapted for SPH applications due to the large deformations and frag- mentation of the bird upon impact with the wings or rotor blades of an aircraft or helicopter.

Figure 5: Tsunami induced surge upon a Liquid Natural Gas tank

Figure 6: Tsunami induced flooding of building infrastructure

Figure 3: Birdstrike upon jet engine fan-blade Another typical such application is forced water landing (splashdown).

CAEWissen by courtesy of Dr. Argiris Kamoulakos, Scientific Director, ESI Group


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