

Side Impact - Requirements and Development Strategies

Course Description In addition to the protection in a frontal impact, the protec- tion in a side impact has a fixed place in the development of vehicles. Continuous aggravation of consumer tests and legal regulations, e.g. due to new pole tests (UN ECE R135 and Euro NCAP), enhanced deformable barriers and the prospective introduction of World-SID-Dummies (5 / 50%ile) are causing a need to further improve side impact protection. In order to achieve this enhancement, it is necessary to get a much more profound understanding of the highly complex phenomena and modes of action in a side impact which goes far beyond the simple application of additional airbags. The seminar provides a comprehensive overview of today's standard test procedures including country-specific varia- tions, the legal regulations and the requirements of consum- er protection as well as an outlook on changes in the near future. In addition, tools, measuring methods and criteria, and especially virtual methods such as crash and occupant simulation, as well as the analysis of the performance of the restraint systems will be discussed. Furthermore it will be explained how a target-oriented use of CAE-simulation and hardware tests can lead to optimal passenger values, while at the same time obeying to boundary conditions such as costs, weight and time-to-market. A part of the workshop with crash-data analysis finally deepens the understanding.

Who should attend? The seminar addresses development engineers who are new in the field of side crash, or who have already gained some experience in the field of safety, as well as developers of assemblies that have to fulfil a crash-relevant function. Furthermore it is especially interesting for project managers and managers, who deal with side impact and who would like to gain a deeper understanding of this topic in order to use it for an improvement of procedures. Course Contents „ „ Challenges of side impacts „ „ Side impact-relevant protection criteria. Legal tests (FMVSS 214, UN ECE R95, UN ECE R135, ...) Other tests (Euro NCAP, U.S. NCAP, further NCAPs, IIHS, car manufacturer-specific tests) „ „ Development methods and tools: „ „ Crash and occupant simulation, range of application and limitations. „ „ Performance of restraint systems in side impact: „ „ Analysis of the performance of protection and restraint systems in side impact. Discussion of the limitations, conflicts and problems. „ „ Development strategy for an optimal restraint system for side impact „ „ Target-oriented use of CAE-simulation and hardware tests „ „ Workshop with analysis of crash-data and discussion of the results

Bart Paul Peeters Weem (BMW AG) studied mechanical engineering at the University of Technolo- gy in Eindhoven with focus on system and control. Since 2003 he has worked at BMW on passive safety devel- opment. First as Simulation Engineer, later as team leader and project referent. Since 2015 he is head of the development of full vehicle side impact protection for BMW 1-, 2- and 3-series, MINI and BMW-i. Stephanie Wolter (BMW AG) studied Engineering Physics at the University of Applied Sciences Mu- nich. Since 1995 she has been working at BMW AG in different functions in the field of side protection, such as pre-development, development of side airbags and as a project engineer in various car lines. Moreover, she represents BMW-Group in various national and international bodies that deal with side impact and other aspects of side protection, e.g. ISO Working Groups, etc.







26.-27.04.2018 28/3129

Gaimersheim 2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 29.03.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR

04.-05.07.2018 28/3127


2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 06.06.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR


22.-23.11.2018 28/3128


2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 25.10.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR


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