

Head Impact on Vehicle Interiors: FMVSS 201 and UN R21

Course Description To prevent injuries resulting from impacts of the occupants' heads on vehicle interior parts, these parts need to be de- signed in a way which allows sufficient deformation space to reduce the loads on the head. Internationally there are two important regulations regarding the design of interiors, such as cockpits, roof and door liners: The U.S. FMVSS 201 and the Regulation UN R21. Both regulations stipulate requirements concerning the maximum head acceleration or the HIC in impacts on interior parts. The objective of this course is to provide an overview of the legal requirements and to show how these can be fulfilled. The focus of the seminar is on the development process and the development tools and methods. In particular the interaction of testing and simulation will be described and different design solutions will be discussed. Typical conflicts of objectives in the design - e.g. to fulfil NVH requirements, static stiffness, or misuse, while fulfilling the safety standards at the same time - are addressed in this seminar. Examples of practical solutions will be shown and discussed.

In a workshop exemplary head impact locations in a vehicle interior and impact areas on a dashboard are determined. Who should attend? This seminar is especially suited for engineers and technicians who work on the development of vehicle interior parts and who want to become familiar with the safety requirements that are relevant for these parts. Course Contents „ „ Introduction „ „ Rules and regulations concerning head impact „ „ FMVSS 201 „ „ UN R21 „ „ Development tools „ „ Numerical Simulation „ „ Test „ „ Workshop: Determination of impact locations in a vehicle „ „ Development process and methods „ „ Solving of conflicts of objectives „ „ Typical deformation paths, padding materials

In addition, the development according to the head impact requirements in the overall-context of vehicle development is described in this seminar.

Torsten Gärtner (Opel Automobile GmbH) has been working as a simulation expert since 1997. From numerous projects he has extensive experience in the field of occupant simulation and interior safety. He is Technical Lead Engineer Safety Analytics at Opel Automobile GmbH. Before that he worked as depart - ment manager for safety with Tecosim GmbH and spent 10 years in various management positions with carhs gmbh. Karsten Wolff (Continental Safety Engineering International GmbH) studied Traffic Safety Technology at the University of Wuppertal. During his studies he worked at BGS (Böhme & Gehring Sicherhe- itstechnik) in the fields of dummy calibration and head impact. In 1998 he joined Continental Safety Engineer - ing International as an engineer. In 2000 he established FMVSS201U testing at Continental and in 2002 he introduced pedestrian protection testing. Later on UN ECE R21 and FMVSS201L testing was added, followed by ejection mitigation. In 2003 he became team leader for pedestrian protection and interior head impact, in 2009 he started leading the development and testing for FMH und pedestrian protection and since 2012 he has been team leader of the competence center for pedestrian protection and interior head impact. In this role he acts as a link between simulation, project and testing.










1 Day

740,- EUR till 28.03.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR




1 Day

740,- EUR till 01.06.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR





1 Day

740,- EUR till 17.08.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR


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