CAE Tools
Introduction to the Python Programming Language
Course Description Python is a modern programming language that is increas- ingly used in the field of Scientific Computing. Together with the environment Python is an open source alternative to the commercial softwareMATLAB. A series of CAE software products, including the Pre-Processor ANSA, the solvers ABAQUS and PAM-CRASH and the Post-Processor META, are already using Python as an integrated scripting lan- guage. Python puts the emphasis on well-readable code, so beginners can learn the language very quickly. Nevertheless, Python is a powerful programming language and can also be used for larger projects. Further advantages of Python are the platform independence and the very extensive standard library supplied. Course Objectives The seminar provides a comprehensive introduction to the basics of the Python programming language. It also includes an introduction to object-oriented programming. Practical exercises, such as processing text-based files from the CAE world, will be treated. After the seminar, participants will be able to acquaint themselves with the Python interfaces of CAE software products.
Who should attend? The seminar is aimed at newcomers to the Python language. Experience in other scripting or programming languages would be an advantage but is not a requirement. Course Contents Basic concepts of the Python programming language Introduction to the language Data and control structures, functions Advanced topics Processing of data Important modules of the Python standard library Examples from scientific computing Modularization in bigger Python projects Practical exercises
Dr. André Backes (TECOSIM Technische Simulation GmbH) studied Mathematics at the Uni - versity of Duisburg. From 2000 to 2006 he was a researcher at the Institute for Mathematics at the Humboldt University in Berlin. His PhD studies at the chair for Numerical Mathematics introduced him to the field of CAE. Since 2006 he works at TECOSIM GmbH in Rüsselsheim and specialized in NVH. In the area of Virtual Bench - marking he helped developing the TECOSIM-owned process TEC|BENCH.
26.-27.11.2018 161/3102
2 Days 1.290,- EUR till 29.10.2018, thereafter 1.540,- EUR
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