THUMS Version 4 AM50 Pedestrian and Occupant Models
Background and Objective: In order to reduce the number of casualties in car crashes, the Total Human Model for Safety (THUMS) has been developed for simulating crash-induced injuries. The previ- ous model, Version 3, was able to simulate bone fracture, ligament rupture and brain injury. The new model, Version 4, is expected to simulate internal organ injury.
Trabecular bone …Mat_Damage_2 Connective Tissues: for simulating ligament rupture: Ligaments …Mat_Simplified_Rubber (Mat_Fabric) Tendons …Mat_Simplified_Rubber Soft Tissues: for simulating brain and organ injuries: Neck muscles …Mat_Spring_Muscle Other flesh …Mat_Simplified_Rubber Skin …Mat_Simplified_Rubber (Mat_Fabric) Brain …Mat_Viscoelastic Internal organs (Solid) …Mat_Simplified_Rubber Internal organs (Hollow) …Mat_Low_Density_Foam Validation Efforts: THUMS V4 is validated against reference data published around 2000. The impact speed range is around 7 m/s. THUMS V4 has passive muscle models and can react to grav- ity force with slight displacement of bones and deformation of ligaments. The total model size is 1.77 million elements.
Features of Version 4: Completely new FE meshes were generated to accurately represent human body geometry. High-resolution CT scans were used to digitize the interior of the body for generating precise geometrical data of the internal organs. The modeling also reflected the anatomical features of each organ. By inputting data on the physical properties of organ tissue reported in the latest research, injury at a tissue level can be simulated. Validations were conducted against more than 20 impact tests. Geometries of THUMS V4 AM50 are based on CT scans of a living human whose height is 173 cm and weight is 77 kg. The model is omni-directional and it can be used for frontal, lateral and rear impact simulations. THUMS V4 is provided without encryption and can be modified, e.g. the internal organs can be replaced by a mass for simulations where they are not in the focus. No modifications to the vehicle models are required when the THUMS V4 is used. THUMS V4 is compatible with dummy models. Time step of THUMS V4 is 0.4 microsecond. Material Constitutive Laws andModel Sizes: Bones: for simulating bone fracture: Cortical bones …Mat_Piecewise_Linear_Plasticity
CAEWissen by courtesy of TOYOTAMOTOR CORPORATION and Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.
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