
CAE Tools

Possibilities and Limitations of Virtual-based Development using the Example of Interior Components

Course Description Computer aided engineering (CAE) gains increasing impor- tance in many areas of vehicle development. The reasons for this are, firstly, a drastically increasing computer performance paralleled by decreasing cost, which drives the economy of CAE application in many disciplines. Secondly, the numerical methods are continuously improved and refined so that the predictive quality of the calculations is growing steadily and allows for simulations to be increasingly used as a basis for important product and design decisions. Especially in the crash area, numerical simulation has established itself as an essential development tool. Course Objectives The objective of this seminar is to learn about the use of nu- merical simulation in vehicle development and to be able to understand and judge its value in the development process. In particular, it will be explained, what methods are used for what purposes, where the limits of these methods lie and to identify the cost and benefits. Focus is on the application of simulation in crashworthy car body and in restraint system development. Who should attend? The seminar is especially suited for project and test engineers in vehicle safety, but also for technicians and managers who are interested in the subject of simulation. The objective of the seminar is to give the participants an overview about the application of computer simulation in vehicle safety.

Course Contents „ „ Introduction to simulation: Application areas of simulation, approaches and technologies of computer- aided engineering „ „ Presentation and comparison of current numerical methods: FEM - Finite Element Method (structural simulation), MBS –Multi Body System (occupant and vehicle dynamics simulation), coupling FEM - MBS, examples from the crash area „ „ Use of simulation in vehicle development: Approaches and applications in structures, occupants and components. Joint use of numerical and experimental simulation in development projects „ „ Structural simulation: Vehicle structure, car body development, front and side impact crash simulations, component and pedestrian protection simulations „ „ Vehicle interior: Requirements and modeling for instrument panel, head impact, knee impact and door trim analysis „ „ Occupant simulation: Simulation of crash and sled tests, modeling of the components of a restraint system and the interior, dummy models, combining the components to the overall model, various crash configurations „ „ Validation: Data required for validation, validation approach including sequence in occupant simulation, component validation „ „ Tools and methods for simulation: Overview of analysis tools, optimization, stochastic simulation, visualization

Dr.-Ing. Arno Heidkamp (IAC Group GmbH) studied Civil Engineering before he obtained a Ph.D. in Biomechanics. Thereafter he joined TASS, where he was in charge of occupant protection projects. In 2006 he joined TECOSIM where he worked in different areas of simulation: Crash, interiors, occupant protection and seating. As Technical Manager at TECOSIM he was in charge of the staff training in the field of simulation methods.In 2013 he joined the IAC Group GmbH as Manager CAE and is in charge for integrating CAE in product development processes.










1 Day

740,- EUR till 02.10.2018, thereafter 890,- EUR



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